Monday, October 03, 2005

Jennifer Tilly is Gummy

While watching the usual boring tv tonight I came to a realization. Jennifer Tilly is indeed desperate. I always thought she was; I mean if starring in Chucky movies so far past their time **cough cough Seed of Chucky cough cough** isn't enough to convince you, she's now doing gum commercials.

Yes, that's right folks, she's trying to make gum sexy! I had to throw back my head and let out a big hearty laugh as the Dentyne company made a very sad attempt to sex up their product. HA! It's frickin gum, come on, how sexy can chewing on a piece of wet, soft, sweet and tasty substance be? Oh....right....nevermind.

Ahem! Any way, the commercial goes something like this....A piece of Dentyne Ice strips off it's "hard" outer shell to become a soft and chewy new piece of gum. While Jennifer Tilly tries her damndest to make it sound sexy.

I may be mistaken, but shouldn't it be the other way around that's arousing? Soft to hard?

Now, I don't know, I've never tried this new gum; it may be very tasty. However, I do like the crispity crunchity (insert peanut buttery when appropriate...mmMMMMmmm Butterfinger!) outer shell of Dentyne Ice. I think it gives it a little more substance, and fun! But hey, who am I to say that the new soft gum isn't great? Who am I to say that going from hard to soft isn't the new sexy?

Personally, I prefer them hard.

1 comment:

Erika said...

i still don't know why that bitch has a career, for the same reason i can't figure out why tara reid has a career