Saturday, January 28, 2006

Random Ramblings...

So, whilst surfing the many profiles abundant on MySpace, I came across this random rambling. It made me giggle; so I'm putting it here, and maybe it will make you giggle too...

So I was workin the other day and this car comes flyin into the hole and I had to get outta there cuz the cheese was done in the microwave and things got really hairy like Tom Cruise's tiny ballsack. Anyway, back to the tall tale, these giant eyes came runnin after me so I threw some popsicles at their pirate ships and I havent worked in a long time...something like 4 oranges....I dont even know anymore.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

The Mug Bug

I thought it was the coolest thing in high school. And her name was Jodi Ghrist. One morning she drove it into school and I was simply in awe. And I wanted one...

Sometime that summer Jodi had entered some contest for Pepsi, and won The Mug Bug. Noone heard about it, it wasn't printed in the newspaper (at least I don't think), she just showed up in it senior year.

This car was nothing special, but it was painted just like the picture above. And, if I remember right it came with a bunch of Mug Rootbeer. The root beer I could live without, but the bug was COOL! I don't even think it was a brand new bug, but the paint job was so neat.

The last I remember she was planning on painting over it as soon as she was able. According to the rules, she had to keep it painted with Mug Rootbeer for a while. I wonder if she ever did..

Monday, January 23, 2006

Digital Evolution

Ok, so I had to take my grandma to the doctor's this morning in Seattle for some follow up work from her surgery. I'm going to be here for like 4 hours so I brought my computer. I thought, "Great, I'll just sit in Starbucks and drink coffee and play around on the internet for a while." Wrong. Starbucks didn't have any outlets to plug my lap top into when the battery dies!

So, I'm in the hospital on their free wireless connection. I'm sitting in this TINY waiting room (I mean this room is just slightly bigger than my bathroom!) and there's one other person in here with me (a guy). We're both on our lap tops on the internet! A sign of the times I suppose, but funny at the same time.

It gets me thinking about how noone talks to anyone any more. We're all afraid that the other person in the room is going to be some serial killer or something stupid. Or even worse, might have something interesting to say!

It's kindof like take the anaolgy to a different level. Everyone (well just about everyone) drives an automatic any more. And, because of it, we have more accidents because people aren't aware that they are in fact maneuvering a large vehicle through the streets; because they don't have to switch the gears, down shift, or ajust for speed. The car does it for you. You get on the freeway and hit cruise and stop thiking about driving. It makes people irritable, and irresponsible.

The internet does the same thing to people. We have way shorter attention spans, we find it much harder to have a real conversation with people, and we have NO patience for anyone who doesn't do something as fast as broadband internet service!

I know, I'm a bit of a hypocrite, sitting in my waiting room on my lap top while I could be having a conversation. But the point is, if you don't evolve with the times, you're going to get left behind trying to access information from someone with your dial-up connection who operates only on a broadband connection. It's simply too frustrating to deal with on either end of the spectrum.

So, why not evolve? But stay aware of yourself, and what you're doing.

Sunday, January 22, 2006


It's been a while since I blogged....a long while. Every time I come to the computer to blog, my brain goes blank. Then, I'll be in the shower, or in the car on my way somewhere and I'll get a great idea for a great blog. But by the time I remember or get to the computer it's lost. This one, I simply couldn't forget. Probably because it's something that effects my daily life.

Have you ever felt really uncomfortable in a room? I mean, walk into the room and want to run for the door because you didn't want to come in the first place? Not because you didn't like the people there, or the things that were happening there; simply because you feel so damned uncomfortable around people you don't know. That's me.

Tonight I went to a friend's house for a small get together where there was dinner and a movie; and wives from another boat. I was excited to get invited! Finally my ability to make friends wasn't being thwarted by the enemy, it also meant that my friend making retardation had finally started to get normal again! I'm not a freak! HAHAHA! I decided I was going to make cookies and everything.

I got the cookies going, and then it started to go bad. The filling for the cookies wasn't thick like I needed it to be, and the ganache was taking WAY too long to thicken, and to top it all off the chocolate shortbread was pretty thick, and I needed it to be much thinner. I started to wonder if maybe I shouldn't go to the party. Because of fucking cookies, that weren't even a requirement to bring, I didn't want to go to the party!?!

Then it hit me. I was making excuses not to go, really stupid excuses. I mean honestly, who doesn't go to a party just because the cookies that they wanted to make didn't turn out exactly like the picture in their head?? I took a shower, and calmed myself down about it while I got ready, and then went back into the kitchen. I put the cookies together and then on a plate and covered them and bravely walked out the door to the party.

I found the house no problem. But as soon as I parked the car it struck me again. Sheer terror that I simply wasn't going to be accepted and everyone was going to hate me and my cookies. I talked myself down; figuring that there would probably only be a few people there any way and it was no big deal. I bravely walked up to the door and knocked. As I walked down into the living room and set the cookies down my fear became even more prevalent and then my defense mechanism kicked in. I started to babble! Luckily for me I can turn out some pretty funny babble.

After a while I relaxed enough and made some friends, and had a kick ass time. Everyone loved my cookies, and it was a great night. But I can't shake the feeling that I may have a slight case of Social Anxiety Disorder. It can't be too extreme, because I still go out and I can still do things, but it's got to be there on some level...

Social Anxiety Disorder: If you have social anxiety disorder, you often get very nervous around other people. It feels like everyone is watching you and judging you. You're afraid of making a mistake or looking like a fool. You'll do anything to keep that from happening. You might even avoid certain people, places, or social events. Social anxiety disorder affects over 16 million Americans.

The thought of becoming the crazy cat lady, and turning into a total shut in terrifies me! That's probably why I still go to things like the party tonight. Once I'm out and there I always have a great time, it's just a matter of getting me there. Plus, the last thing I need is another doctor telling me that I need to be on another medication!

Friday, January 06, 2006

Extreme-ly Stolen....

I liked this image so much that I stole it from's photoshop contest on The Next Extreme Idea. I love the part at the bottom.

I didn't have a lot of My Little Pony's when I was a kid, because they were expensive. But I had friends who had every single one....except this one! I would buy it if they made it.


Nuff Said.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Christmas is a Sneaky Bastard...

What the!?! Did Christmas just sneak back up on me this fast?? No. No, it's January...January 5th to be exact, almost an exact week after the NEW YEAR!

Then why the hell am I still getting fucking emails about Christmas being under attack!?! Dear God, if I have to read one more of these I think I may have to go on a shooting spree! This one was sent to me by a very religious friend. We all have one, you know the one who goes to Church 3 times a day and is filling their child's head so full of crap that you just know they're going to need therapy when they get older from the rape of priests that they'll endure; but there's nothing you can doabout it because it's not considered a crime to brainwash your kid into religion! Or is it....

So, this is what I got from her in my email box (which now needs to be scrubbed, and turned back into the trash recepticle I know it is!)...

Story in Tampa Newspaper

Will we still be the Country of choice and still be America if we continue to make the changes forced on us by the people from other countries that came to live in America because it is the Country of Choice ??????

Think about it .

All I have to say is, when will they do something about MY RIGHTS? I celebrate Christmas, but because it isn't celebrated by everyone, we can no longer say Merry Christmas. Now it has to be Season's Greetings. It's not Christmas vacation, it's Winter Break. Isn't it amazing how this winter break ALWAYS occurs over the Christmas holiday? We've gone so far the other way, bent over backwards to not offend anyone, that I am now being offended. But it seems that no one has a problem with that.

This says it all!

This is an editorial written by an American citizen, published in a Tampa newspaper. He did quite a job; didn't he?

Read on, please!

I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Americans. However, the dust from the attacks had
barely settled when the "politically correct" crowd began complaining about the possibility that our patriotism was offending others.

I am not against immigration, nor do I hold a grudge against anyone who is seeking a better life by coming to America. Our population is almost entirely made up of descendants of immigrants. However, there are a few things that those who have recently come to our country, and apparently some born here, need to understand. This idea of America being a multicultural community has served only to dilute our sovereignty and our national identity. As Americans, we have our own culture, our own society, our own language and our own lifestyle. This culture has been developed over centuries of struggles, trials, and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom.

We speak ENGLISH, not Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society, learn the language!

"In God We Trust" is our national motto. This is not some Christian, right wing, political slogan. We adopted this motto because Christian men and women,
on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented
It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God
offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.

If Stars and Stripes offend you, or you don't like Uncle Sam, then you should seriously consider a move to another part of this planet. We are happy with our culture and have no desire to change, and we really don't care how you did things where you came from. This is OUR COUNTRY, our land, and our lifestyle. Our First Amendment gives every citizen the right to express his opinion and we will allow you every opportunity to do so. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about our flag,our pledge, our national motto, or our way of life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great American freedom, THE RIGHT TO LEAVE.


And while running the risk of turning this blog into a book, here was my response...

While I have to agree with parts of that email, I would like to say that where would America be if we didn't adapt to other cultures and explore other things? You wouldn't be able to go to a good Chinese restauraunt or Mexican restauraunt; or get your nails done at the cheap vietnamese nail places (while I don't agree with going there, it certainly serves a purpose to those who like to save a buck).

For YEARS we've oppressed, and offended so many cultures; but as soon as "the christians" or extreme religious are offended it all has to end and go back to the way that they like it. Just because it's the majority doesn't always make it right. Plus, this country wasn't formed on Christian principals, it was formed on Quaker principals; by people who hated prosecution and oppression, and now what are we doing?

I'm all for letting you call it Christmas, and the Jewish people celebrate their Hannukah, and so on; but is it really so offending to call it The Holiday Season?? Just because you celebrate Christmas, doesn't mean everybody does. And, while they should learn our language, they shouldn't totally forget who they are just because they enter our borders; that's just not fair.

Honestly, I'm tired of hearing it from both sides. It turns into a war, and it makes it damn near impossible for anyone to have a good time; and really shouldn't we be happy and giving, not bitter and selfish? By the way,.....not to offend you or piss you off....but they're not even sure that Jesus was born on Dec. 25th (they actually speculate that it was around Spring that he was born), they just made it on that day to take attention away from the Pagan holiday celebrating the Winter Solstice. Kills two birds with one stone.

Just my opinion. Try not to live too much with your eyes totally closed to the rest of the world, and culture. It's fascinating out there. :)

Now that I'm done with my rant, I shall let you continue to surf the net for porn, but remember....Christmas is over, so NO MORE GODDAMN PROPAGENDA TIL NEXT YEAR!!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

It's Electric!

I suppose this is what they'd put on MTV for the Amish; were they allowed to watch tv. Or have electricity at all really.

I wonder who runs their web site, and their furniture store? My highly unreligious and unreligiously uneducated guess would definately have to be the Catholics!

Monday, January 02, 2006

No Resolutions

I'm not making a resolution this year. Every time I make one I "break" it. Then guilt inevitably follows; and the last thing I need is to feel guilty about breaking a promise to myself that I never meant to keep any way.

So I suppose you could say I'm making a resolution to make no resolutions! If you don't set goals then you won't be disappointed when you don't meet them. Here's to a new year, and not fucking it up!

The Devil in your Computer

So, I've come to the conclusion that blogs are the devil. Not computers, I love my computer, and not the internet because it's an incredible source for research and time wasting. But man, am I fuckin tired of the bullshit that comes with keeping an online blog.

This year, I've lost 2 friends to fucking blogs. And to make matters worse, I've even been attacked by a group of psycho Navy Wives who felt the need to isolate me and read my blog and send it to people. You all don't know me, so stop tryin to start shit. That being said, I'll move on.

For those of you who do know me, I mean really know me, you understand how I work. I don't privitize my blog because if I'm going to put it here I'll say it to your face, or you already know I don't like you. This is my unofficial friend; the one thing I can spill to that doesn't mind me typing all kinds of bullshit, all the time and doesn't get depressed.

I didn't realize I had other readers besides Erika. Noone ever leaves me comments but her. Leave me comments! I'd love to know who reads this, even if you're not a friend.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

My Year in a Nutshell

So, basically let me sum it up for you in one gramatically poor paragraph...

I started school for nails in January, and Finished in June. Shortly afterward I lost a good friend to bullshit. Then, I got in a small war with DL Roope for failing me because they didn't observe me right, and wouldn't give me my results. I was diagnosed with Papiloedema, the scary thought of losing my eyesight was overshadowed by the even scarier thought that I had a brain tumor. I lost yet another friend to bullshit; and her disbelief in me. Then I got a job at Longworth Sutdio. After that I passed my practical and then my written the next day. I got a job at Shari's at the same time. Shortly after, Leo left to go out to sea. Then the boat broke, and he came home, and left again. Then I went to Thanksgiving at a friend's house in Everett. My best friend (since 7th grade) left for boot camp without even saying goodbye. The next day my grandpa was diagnosed with cancer, in his lungs. Christmas was nice, because he was home from the hospital. But just after I was attacked by Navy Wives for yet again, bullshit. Then, my birthday. It totally rocked! I got my very first Coach purse (I'm sure more will follow!), and my aura and chakra's photographed, and my astrological chart read; dinner with my aunt and grandma and John; and then nurturing a puking friend at The Horse and Cow.

Don't let the puking fool you, it was so late in the day and I had such a great birthday until that point that it didn't effect my mood. All in all, I think I ended it with a bang. Here's hoping that the next year really does bring that windfall that Michael [the guy who read my chart and tarot cards] promised. And that's my year in a nutshell...."help! I'm in a nutshell! How did I get into this nutshell!?!"