Thursday, November 10, 2005

What if?

Living in the Northwest affords many things. Chief among them is the beautiful scenery. We tryly have post card views. But lately, those beautiful views have been covered by a heavy blanket of clouds; which usually happens this time of year.

I absolutely love the rain. Having grown up here, I'm used to it, and it puts me in a good mood. Usually when I say this people look at me like I've all of a sudden grown another head and am simultaniously eating a live goat. But lately this rain has got my imagintion running. And I began thinking what if...

What if the clouds lifted one day and the Olympic Mountains (that we're all so fond of looking at) were suddenly gone? I'd like to think there'd be mass pandemonium. But I get the feeling that if you paid the news off to keep it out off tv that noone would really notice. We're all so glued to our tv's that something as large as a chain of mountains could disappear and noone would even think twice about it if the news didn't do a report on it to confirm everyone's fears.

I'd like to think I would notice, but thinking about it real hard, I'd probably just think it was another cloudy day and those beautiful peaks are simply hiding and waiting to come out on another day. Of corse, after a few days (possibly weeks) I would start to take notice. As I'm sure would the rest of the World. And then it'd get blamed on the Iraqi's as some sort of terrorist act. Maybe we could just blame David Blane instead....wait a minute...he's not that good.

The point is, if you're going to steal my mountains make sure you're not an Iraqi.

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