Monday, January 23, 2006

Digital Evolution

Ok, so I had to take my grandma to the doctor's this morning in Seattle for some follow up work from her surgery. I'm going to be here for like 4 hours so I brought my computer. I thought, "Great, I'll just sit in Starbucks and drink coffee and play around on the internet for a while." Wrong. Starbucks didn't have any outlets to plug my lap top into when the battery dies!

So, I'm in the hospital on their free wireless connection. I'm sitting in this TINY waiting room (I mean this room is just slightly bigger than my bathroom!) and there's one other person in here with me (a guy). We're both on our lap tops on the internet! A sign of the times I suppose, but funny at the same time.

It gets me thinking about how noone talks to anyone any more. We're all afraid that the other person in the room is going to be some serial killer or something stupid. Or even worse, might have something interesting to say!

It's kindof like take the anaolgy to a different level. Everyone (well just about everyone) drives an automatic any more. And, because of it, we have more accidents because people aren't aware that they are in fact maneuvering a large vehicle through the streets; because they don't have to switch the gears, down shift, or ajust for speed. The car does it for you. You get on the freeway and hit cruise and stop thiking about driving. It makes people irritable, and irresponsible.

The internet does the same thing to people. We have way shorter attention spans, we find it much harder to have a real conversation with people, and we have NO patience for anyone who doesn't do something as fast as broadband internet service!

I know, I'm a bit of a hypocrite, sitting in my waiting room on my lap top while I could be having a conversation. But the point is, if you don't evolve with the times, you're going to get left behind trying to access information from someone with your dial-up connection who operates only on a broadband connection. It's simply too frustrating to deal with on either end of the spectrum.

So, why not evolve? But stay aware of yourself, and what you're doing.

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