Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Go forth and multiply!

Bored tonight, I find myself searching through MySpace profiles yet again. This time I'm going over friends or rather people from high school. There's been a profile set up for people from my high school who graduated in 2000. As I peruse their profiles I realize how truly sad Port Orchard really is...

They got the multiply part right; but why hasn't anyone gone forth!?!

I'm not saying noone has gotten out; but a good 80% of the people I graduated with seem to either still be in Port Orchard or have ended up back in Port Orchard. Granted there is something to be said for living in a small town. But having said that why in the world would you want to just stay put? Why stay in a town of less than 8,000...keeping in mind that when we graduated our class was nearly 1,000!! The rest of the population in that town seems to be comprised of retired people.

Honestly, who am I to question people's choices? However, it still seems sad to be proud of the fact that you've got 2 kids and you're working at the local Wal-Mart and on your second marriage?!? UGH!

I am SO glad I got out of that black hole!

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