Friday, August 11, 2006

Best Day EVER!

Ok, so all this was yesterday, and I should have blogged about it then, but it didn't end til about 2am. SO I'm blogging now.

Yesterday started out pretty normal. I woke up aroud the same time as usual, and then the girl that was taking all my boxes came and picked up my boxes. So that was nice, no more boxes is a damn good thing! I can actually see my living room without having to look around a box!

A little later Alice came by and we went shopping. We went to this ginormous craft store. For being so big, it didn't seem to have anything that JoAnn's doesn't have, it just had more of it. We made it out of there and on to Kohl's to get me new jeans. Mine have been practically hanging off my ass lately, so I needed new ones.

Boy did I! I didn't realize how badly I needed new jeans til I was in the dressing room with 2 pair of Levi's size 10 jeans, that FIT! The fucking fit!!! I havn't been a size 10 since I was a freshman in high school!!! So, of corse nearly in tears, I bought the jeans and some new smaller shirts to go with them! We finished our shopping excursion at the mall with new bra's.

She dropped me off at home and I did some boring stuff, and then later that night I was sitting at my computer uploading new purses to my etsy shop. And I got an email in my Emotional Bags account. I SOLD MY FIRST BAG ON ETSY!!! I havn't even had them up there a whole week yet, and I sold one! OMG! I was stoked, cause I never sold any of my purses that fast on Ebay! HAHA!

To top off my excitement the lady that bought my purse is from Seattle. She runs a site for artists, and she's thinking she wants to put my bags on it! Of corse she's got to evaulate my purse first, but I'm still excited! And I'm totally flattered! It was a great day yesterday. A great freakin day!!

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