Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Big fuckin deal!

If you're alive, you've heard about what happened with Michael Richards (AKA Kramer from Seinfeld) and now Andy Dick. If you've been living underneath a rock for the past couple of weeks, basically it's a simple break down. They've both mouthed off at stand up shows to a heckler in the crowd (quite obviously a black person) and called them a nigger.

Now, the media is all over this. How dare they call someone that word! God forbid you call someone a nigger! But it's perfectly ok to call a mexican a spick, or wet back; or how about a white person a honkey or cracker?!? Does anyone even know the real meaning of this term any more?

The actual dictionary definition of the word nigger used to be "ignorant". And guess what? When it was first used in the US black people were ignorant. They weren't allowed to have an education, as so it was a term of accuracy. Or you could take the term to it's root [negro] which in some tongues can be interpreted to be the actual color black, or to mean from Sub-Saharan Africa. So, again being an accurate term. God forbid we be accurate. Let's also remember that not all black people are from Africa...

It's not a word I like, or use. Although, I must say that there is a BIG difference between a black person and a nigger. Just as there is a big difference between a white person and white trash. The long and the short of it is there are stereotypes for a reason. If you want to break down racial stereotypes you can't call each other niggers and then get your panties in a bunch when a white person calls you one. All you're doing is keeping racism alive. So how about you get the fuck over it?

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