Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Rapture Delayed.....Again.

I was roamin around Craig's List today, when I came across the Rants and Raves page. I thought this was WAY too good not to post up in my blog. Thank you anonymous person on Craig's List.

I am really glad so many of you "Christians" have made such a big deal about today. Not only here on CL but everywhere. "We are all getting taken up in the Rapture!!!" and the ever popular "Your going to be left behind because your not a Christian and we are all going to just vanish, just incase you wonder where we all went."

Well I woke up this morning, shuffled downstairs to grab a coffee and catch the morning news. The sun was shining, birds singing. I decide to grab the paper instead of watching to tube, and go outside. I start to casually scan through the paper and drink my coffee. I see that Huff's letter has been released, a man and his 3 legged dog head east on a 1955 wheel chair, that Christine Gregoire is still certifiably insane...

Nothing about all the Christians vanishing off the face of the planet. (As nice a thought as that may be, can you take the Muslims too while your at it?) The sky didn't fall, planes didn't drop from the sky, there were no 1000 car pileup's on 405, and Ikea still sold the Borghamn storage system. (hideous).

Any shred of credibility you Christians had is gone. You have lost more with your dire warnings of "Rapture" and "Convert before 6-6-06 or burn forever, because we all get taken up on June 6th." then any you might have converted to your cause. I don't blame you though. You were hoodwinked by your pastors and reverends and such. Hopefully those of you with at least one functioning neuron in that soup you call a brain, cottoned on to this fact.

Oh I am sure you will hear from some that "We were all saved at the zero hour by (insert supernatural being here)" or "It must be Satan's fault!" But I mean come on... You have had OVER 2000 years of delays and non-events. The year 666 (had an entire year there), nothing. June 6th 1006, nothing. June 6th 1106, nothing. 1206, nothing. Etc etc etc... nothing nothing nothing. So are we to reset the clock again? See ya in another 100 years? Back then with more doom and gloom? Pathetic. I suppose you will all become militant now eh? Pissed off that your God missed his opening curtain. It couldn't be that you're wrong or anything? It couldn't be that God may in fact love us all. It couldn't be that he/she/it may not exist? Hmmm...

Anyway... Well done Christians, sorry about your rapture thing! All the best, see ya at Starbucks on Sunday.

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