Wednesday, March 22, 2006

I'm a Joiner...

In fine Tamara fashion, I've decided to take on more than I should. Not more than I want to, or more than I can handle, just more than I should. I love to write in my blog; but as anyone can see I'm not very good at keeping it a regular habit.

Soooo I've joined a group to blog once a week. We're all military wives from various branches and we're writing about what it's like to be us. Surprise, it's totally different, and completely the same!

I blog on Mondays, and I'm even given a topic. How easy is that!?! I don't want to write for a living, cause then it wouldn't be any fun, but I like that someone gives me a topic to write about.

So far I've only written one blog, but it's going to be so much fun I can tell. I think all of the women so far are chicks I would like to know in my "real" life if we weren't so scattered.

Any way, for those of you (and I know there are just simply a ton of you! HA! more like just me) who are too lazy to go to my profile page and click on the link to my other blog, you can simply click on the banner, and it will take you straight there. Hooray for technology!

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