Friday, May 19, 2006


I turned on my AOL this morning to a fantastic story! Seriously, I'm not a fan of Bush, not most of his policy. And to be perfectly honest; just in case you havn't followed my blog ever; I think the man is a complete idiot. However, I am so ready for the English Language to become the U.S' official language!!!

I've written blogs on this topic before. And I'm all for letting immigrants come to this country and work. They can even stay for 5 years, and then move back. However, while you're here is it so much to ask that you have a basic knowledge of the English language??

About half of the immigration policy I don't agree with; and half of it I do. By all means, come in to the country and work, and start a new life. But how hard is it to put in the proper paperwork, and learn the language? Honestly, I wouldn't move to Germany and expect them all to speak to me in English, I would learn German. Or even Mexico for that matter, I'd learn Spanish.

This country was founded by British settlers, who's common language was...all together now....English! And while we're a melting pot of several different countries at this point; I don't think that it's too much to ask to all speak one language. I was born here, as were my parents, and grandparents and their grandparents and we all speak English. So, why now is it ok for someone to come over the border (any border not just Mexico) and tell me that they don't want that to be our national language?

"Hi, I'm going to come into your country, illegally, (not invade, not conquor not even start war with; simply come into your country illegally) and then tell you that I don't like that you don't speak my language, and that your common language shouldn't be English cause we're all from other countries!"

Fuck that! This is America. We were founded speaking English, and we've spoken English since that time. Get over the fact that it's going to be our official language. Learn it, or leave!

If you want to read the article on AOL about the new policy, click here.

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