Saturday, July 15, 2006

Prudes Trample Rights of Hollywood Directors and Editors

"....Also wearing thin is the way these people do all this in the name of the children. Seems like whenever somebody gets embarrassed by content they're exposed to, they suddenly get the urge to trample on the rights of others. And then, out trots that tired old phrase, "protect the children." I have a young child, and I know, as any parent does, that most little kids are not at all interested in the content of films like Chinatown, Taxi Driver, The Godfather or Debbie Does Dallas. Until my daughter was about seven, she didn't even want to watch anything unless it was animated. Even if they do catch a glimpse of these "dirty" movies, if you've been communicating well with your children, and explaining sex and violence to them all along, there won't be anything from which they'll need to be protected. I have a suggestion for you, protectionist parents: If you're so hell-bent on protecting the children from something, don't let them watch any more television commercials....."

I took that from THIS article. And, a fantastically written article I might add. I must say that I agree with every point made in it. Since when did this country allow people like the FCC and "Clean Flicks" take away our first ammendment right? Oh wait....

Well I'm fucking sorry if my shitty blog fucking offends your dumb ass, you stupid motherfucer. But guess what!?! If you don't fucking like the way I write my goddamn material, don't fucking read it! FUCK!

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