I'm hoping that someone will want to buy it from me on MySpace. Honestly, I'm posting it here, because I look REALLY good in this picture! hehehe
Thursday, December 28, 2006
8 Feet of Killer Gay Scarf!
I'm hoping that someone will want to buy it from me on MySpace. Honestly, I'm posting it here, because I look REALLY good in this picture! hehehe
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Strange days...
Apparently a little over a year ago or so, when they were still living in Seal Beach, my Mom was having some problems breathing. Nothing big, or extreme, just shorter of breath than a 40 year old woman in relatively good health should be. The doctors couldn't find anything wrong with her and sent her on her way.
I guess it's started getting worse lately. Recently they were at a Christmas festival in Germany and my Mom was having problems walking very far at all. When they got home, or rather to Sardinia (close to home for them), she went to the doctor again. This time he could hear something wrong with her heart; and informed her that he would have to send her to the hospital in Germany because he couldn't do any of the required tests at the Sardinia hospital.
So, today sometime, my mom is undergoing tests in a hospital in Germany to find out what's wrong with her heart. I think she's going to have to have angioplasty, which is fairly routine; but not for a 42 year old woman.
I'm not sure if I should be worried, scared or dismiss the whole thing because I'm sure she'll be fine. It was indeed a strange day....let's not hope it turns into a bad week.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Perhaps more should read this...
I got this in my email from my mom today. It basically sums up everything I've been saying since Katrina. While it was a nasty storm, and a tragedy....well....you can read this for yourself.
Weather Bulletin - North Dakota
North Dakota News
This text is from a county emergency manager out in the western part of North Dakota state after a snowstorm.
Up here, in the Northern Plains, we just recovered from a Historic event---may I even say a "Weather Event" of "Biblical Proportions" --- with a historic blizzard of up to 44" inches of snow and winds to 90 MPH that broke trees in half, knocked down utility poles, stranded hundreds of motorists in lethal snow banks, closed ALL roads, isolated scores of communities and cut power to 10's of thousands.
George Bush did not come.
FEMA did nothing.
No one howled for the government.
No one blamed the government
No one even uttered an expletive on TV .
Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton did not visit.
Our Mayor did not blame Bush or anyone else.
Our Governor did not blame Bush or anyone else, either.
CNN, ABC, CBS, FOX or NBC did not visit - or report on this category 5 snowstorm. Nobody demanded $2,000 debit cards.
No one asked for a FEMA Trailer House.
No one looted.
Nobody - I mean Nobody demanded the government do something.
Nobody expected the government to do anything, either.
No Larry King, No Bill O'Rielly, No Oprah, No Chris Mathews and No Geraldo Rivera.
No Shaun Penn, No Barbara Striesand, No Hollywood types to be found.
Nope, we just melted the snow for water.
Sent out caravans of SUV's to pluck people out of snow engulfed cars.
The truck drivers pulled people out of snow banks and didn't ask for a penny.
Local restaurants made food and the police and fire departments delivered it to the snowbound families.
Families took in the stranded people - total strangers.
We fired up wood stoves, broke out coal oil lanterns or Coleman lanterns.
We put on extra layers of clothes because up here it is "Work or Die".
We did not wait for some affirmative action government to get us out of a mess created by being immobilized by a welfare program that trades votes for 'sit-in at home' checks.
Even though a Category "5" blizzard of this scale has never fallen this early, we know it can happen and how to deal with it ourselves.
"In my many travels, I have noticed that once one gets north of about 48 degrees North Latitude, 90% of the world's social problems evaporate."
It does seem that way, at least to me.
I hope this gets passed on.
Maybe SOME people will get the message. The world does Not owe you a living.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Big fuckin deal!
If you're alive, you've heard about what happened with Michael Richards (AKA Kramer from Seinfeld) and now Andy Dick. If you've been living underneath a rock for the past couple of weeks, basically it's a simple break down. They've both mouthed off at stand up shows to a heckler in the crowd (quite obviously a black person) and called them a nigger.
Now, the media is all over this. How dare they call someone that word! God forbid you call someone a nigger! But it's perfectly ok to call a mexican a spick, or wet back; or how about a white person a honkey or cracker?!? Does anyone even know the real meaning of this term any more?
The actual dictionary definition of the word nigger used to be "ignorant". And guess what? When it was first used in the US black people were ignorant. They weren't allowed to have an education, as so it was a term of accuracy. Or you could take the term to it's root [negro] which in some tongues can be interpreted to be the actual color black, or to mean from Sub-Saharan Africa. So, again being an accurate term. God forbid we be accurate. Let's also remember that not all black people are from Africa...
It's not a word I like, or use. Although, I must say that there is a BIG difference between a black person and a nigger. Just as there is a big difference between a white person and white trash. The long and the short of it is there are stereotypes for a reason. If you want to break down racial stereotypes you can't call each other niggers and then get your panties in a bunch when a white person calls you one. All you're doing is keeping racism alive. So how about you get the fuck over it?
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Positively Giddy!
Nat King Cole - Dear Lonely Hearts
The Cure - Shake it Up
3 different Santana records
Richard Pryor - Bicentennial Nigger
Richard Pryor - That Nigger's Crazy
Miami Vice Soundtrack
More of The Monkees
Alice in Wonderland - Original Disney release from the cartoon movie!!
Get Smart
Goldfinger Soundtrack - Complete with old pictures of Sean Connery!
Laugh-In Soundtrack!
The Songs and Comedy of the Smother's Brothers!
OH YEA! I'm diggin it! If you need me, I'll be sitting with my ears to my speakers...
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Words to live by...
“One lesson is that we tend to want there to be instant success in the world, and the task in Iraq is ... just going to take a long period of time to—for the ideology that is hopeful, and that’s an ideology of freedom, to overcome an ideology of hate.... We’ll succeed, unless we quit.”
I didn't vote for this moron.
Read the article this was taken from Here: In the Shadow of Ho Chi Minh
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Why not a really rare disorder?!?
I'm still struggling with the idea that I've got a disorder that probably won't ever go away. It took me a long time to come to terms with rhinitis; and that I'd have to be on meds for that for the rest of my life. But, now I've got this condition, it's just past the one year mark and I'm finally starting to get answers to what it is exactly that I've got.
Pseudotumor Cerebri (PTC). Officially, diagnosed and on meds; and continuing to be confirmed. I guess I was hoping someone would say that I didn't have it. Here are a few facts for those of you who might be interested in knowing what's actually going on with me...
Simply put, there is too much cerebrospinal fluid in your head, and there's no place for this fluid to go. (this is me...) The much larger second group develops pseudotumor cerebri and a direct cause cannot be found. The doctors have no idea what causes the primary idiopathic PTC. The disease is frequently chronic in this group and needs long-term treatment.
The common symptoms are
*Headache, dizziness and impaired vision. Headache is often worse on awakening, and can be intensified by coughing, laughing, bending over, crying, and increased physical activity.
*Impaired vision shows up in several ways. It can be visual blurring, brief moments of dimming or loss of vision called transient visual obscurations (this is actually what caused me to go into the doctor to get diagnosed), small specks appearing or vision distortions (items moving up or down).
Blindness can occur.
Other symptoms affecting PTC patients include: shoulder/arm pain, neck pain, memory problems, awkward coordination, muscle weakness, fatigue, back pain, and depression.
Possible symptoms include dizziness, hearing loss, ringing in the ears or noises within the head called tinnitus.
Regarding headaches: a study showed 92% of patients interviewed had headaches; 93% of those with headaches said it was the most severe headache they had ever experienced. The head pain was described as a pulsing headache that kept increasing in intensity. Another description was a "pressure" headache, resembling a percolator. Seventy four percent of those with headaches had it on a daily basis. Can also experience neck stiffness or nausea.
HELL YES! Not only do I get to suffer from headaches (non treatable so far by the way) but I also get to have nasty pain in my neck and back and get dizzy at random. Those are just the ones that have been happening lately. I can't tell you how much this sucks.
Apparently PTC only effect about 12,000 in the US; so YAY ME I picked out a nice rare one. Which means, the cure for something like this is pretty much not anywhere near anyone's mind or microscopes, at least not for a while.
The worst part of this is that I look totally healthy. So, when I complain about anything I get eye rolls, irritation and disbelief. Not to mention noone can tell me why I got diagnosed with this except that maybe I was a little overweight for a short period of time in my life and I'm a woman. Fabulous! Migraines were at least something I could manage; but it's no wonder the migraine meds never worked for me. lol
And now for some good news! PTC can last for months or for years. It can go into remission. For those in remission, PTC can re-occur 5% to 10% of the time. So, keep your fingers crossed for me. It's been a year, and it hasn't gotten any worse, but not any better either. I have my moments of total fear of going blind, but I'm slowly getting used to the idea that I won't ever be completely healthy.
Hooray for great genes!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Getting a little tired of being walked on!
So, I've been here in Virginia for 4 months. FOUR! When I moved here, I moved here on the good faith that my old boss, Kerry Longworth, would send me MY drill, that she had been using (since she didn't have one) since I started working for her as a nail tech in September of 2005. She promised to get it serviced, since she had been using it on a regular basis for almost a year, and I agreed that was fine with me as long as she sent it to me as soon as she was done getting it serviced. Just to note at this point, this drill is a nail tech drill that I paid $500 for. It's top of the line, a very nice drill.
Just before I left, I needed to liquidate a few items. Namely my washer and dryer (my new apartment had one) and a couple of nail tables that I had purchased at a garage sale earlier that year. I sold her both the washer and dryer and 2 nail tables (with fans that worked and outlets and everything) for $150 total. She's going through a divorce, and I needed to get rid of them, so I figured it was a fair deal all the way around. We decided that she'd trade me product (high end skin care and makeup she sells in her salon) for the items. Sure, no problem, sounded great to me.
It took me a bit to get settled in here, but I finally got settled in and got around to calling her about getting me my products and drill. Roughly a month after arriving and moving in. She claimed that I had never told her what I needed so she hadn't ordered it. I promptly corrected that problem and she said she'd get it ordered. 3 weeks later, she finally gets SOME of my product in, because apparently she's no organized enough (that's the nice way to put it) to remember the 3 things I ordered from her. I told her to forget about sending it, and I would have my grandma pick it up from her.
At this point, she's had my drill for 2 months, and agrees to give my product to a friend who's in town. So, I've got PART of my payment for the washer and dryer and nail tables, not all, but PART. Then, she says she doesn't have my drill at the salon because she's "found a guy to service it" and so she gave it to him. Mind you, she has no business card, phone number, name for the guy or name of the business. Uh huh. So, my friend comes home with a sample product (yes, it's used, it's not even new product!!!!!) and no drill. Great.
So, I call her, and she promises to send me a new product "as soon as it gets in." She's already ordered it, and it's on the way, and she's gonna send it to me as soon as it gets in; along with the other product she ordered me that she "forgot" to give to my friend when she was in picking up the other product. ARGH!!!! 3 Weeks later, still no product. I call, and now she's avoiding my calls.
"Oh, she's with a client, I'll have her call you back." Bullshit. Then, one night she calls me at 1am! Wakes me up, and then tells me she's sorry, she'll call me back the next day. The next day, no call. So I call her back, and get the same avoidance.
I've gotten every excuse from her...."She left work because of her divorce, she has to deal with Shawn (her soon to be ex)"....."She took the rest of the week off because her grandma died."....."Her mom has been getting threatened."......"I've lost 3 people close to me in the last 2 weeks!" OH MY GOD!!!!
If this shit was taken care of when she said she'd take care of it, we wouldn't have to go through it just after someone "died" or "while she's having marital problems" or whatever the fuck her excuse happens to be today!
FINALLY after leaving messages and getting no response, I sent her a text message. No response. So, I text her again. I figure if I can't get through to her with messages and voice mail, I'll inundate her with text messages. The last one was particularly nasty. That got a response....
"I'm not avoiding you. I called and told you to call the next day. You wait almost two weeks. Don't get nasty with me. The world doesn't revolve around you."
Ok....Another text comes through...
"I have had 3 friends and family die in the last 3 weeks. Two dying, and my mom's life threatened on top of everything else. It's at a service guy...But I will get it and send it done or not."
Keep in mind it's (at this point) been at this "service guy" for 2 months now! Here's my response...
"No you told me you would call ME back since you waited til 1am my time to call me remember? I call bullshit it's even being serviced!! It's been 4 months, I told you to send it any way 2 months ago, and you said no. Remember? The world does not revolve around you and your divorce! Grow up, be an adult, and take care of what you promised 4 months ago!!"
Finally, she tells me that it has nothing to do with her divorce, bla bla bla, and then I tell her to put herself in my shoes. The last message I got from her said "I'm sorry, I'll send it to you." I'll believe it when I see it. Not to mention, I've got to basically just write off the product that she still owes me. If I was still in Washington I'd walk my ass down there and make her give me the name of the guy and I'd go get it myself.
My personal theory is that she never found a guy; she probably lost it when she moved into her new condo. Either way, she can send me a check or my drill. I'm fucking tired of playing games. And I'm fucking tired of people treating me like I'm stupid just because I'm nice. Fuck this shit, I'm done being nice for a while, it must be time for super bitch to appear. (((at least I didn't have to physically yell)))
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
My life in a single patch...
Ok, so while searching this site, I found a patch that basically sums up how my life began...
Monday, September 11, 2006
My new logo.
I have been so drained lately. Absolutely NO energy whatsoever! And on top of that, my Emotional Baggage business has finally been doing well! I'm getting good exposure, and requests for custom purses, and I've even got a woman in Seattle who wants to consign them for me!
Leo's gone again. He should be back around the 1st of the month, which will be nice. But while he's gone I've got to bust ass and get some more stuff made and build my inventory for the holiday season. Especially if I'm giong to go to Italy for 3 weeks in November. I've got to have a good inventory that Leo can just mail off. But then it's back to that first problem, I'm so goddamn tired!
My brain is drained for purse ideas. Maybe I have too many.....*sigh* Ever come to that creative jumping off point and forget what you came to it for? Or maybe you forgot your bungee cord so you gotta go back and get it. I'm going back to get my bungee cord...
Friday, August 18, 2006
Laundering Money Through Wal-Mart...
Ok, before I totally get into this post, I want to explain something for those of you out there who don't bank with Navy Federal Credit Union. When you make a purchase with your debit card (which by the way only will run places as a credit card), they "soft clear" the money from your account right away. Basically making sure you've got it. Then, they put that money right back into your account, and then they "hard clear" it roughly 3 business days later. You never see these transactions, they don't show up on your statement, but they happen. All of this is especially frustrating if you rely on your online banking at all to make sure you've got funds before you go anywhere or really do anything. Now, keeping all this in mind, let me get along to my post.
Recently I've moved to Chesapeake, VA. My husband got stationed over here, so I moved the house while he was riding the submarine around to get over here. As such, I got here roughly a month before he will get here. Which gives me time to get to know the area a little bit, and get the house in order before he gets here. Yes, I know I'm such a good wife. ;)
One of the things on my list to do was find a place to shop on an extreme budget. We have practically no money to buy groceries and gas after paying the bills, until we get reimbursed for our travel expenses. SO, this is where the Super Wal-Mart down the street comes in handy. Not only is it right up the street from me, but I am able to go there to get everything I need to get. Because, naturally, having just moved all the way across the country I need not only groceries, but little things like a shower curtain and garbage can, etc.
So, I venture on over to the Wal-Mart. Which is REALLY hard for me to do, because I despise everything about that company! But, at this point I'm still scared of traveling too far from my new apartment by myself, for fear of getting lost; and I've got like $3 to spend on everything I need. I get there, go shopping and it was great, I saved a bunch of money and got everything I needed. I spent roughly $90.
About a week later I was checking my bank account and I noticed that Wal-Mart had deducted the $90 from my account, and then 3 days afterward PUT IT BACK IN! So, I'm a little freaked out, until I look a little further up the list...3 days after they put it back in my account, THEY TOOK IT OUT AGAIN!! WTF!?!
Now, like I said with Navy Federal they do this, but you don't actually see it happen. It doesn't clear your account twice and show up on your statement! So, I figure, I'm laundering money through Wal-Mart. Or at least I was. After seeing this happen to my account, I'm so pissed that they felt the need to keep accessing my account, that I WILL NOT be shopping at Wal-Mart any more. There's a very nice supermarket near my apartment, and a Target in the same strip mall. So, I say to hell with Wally World. They can launder all the money they want to...but not through my account ANY MORE!
Recently I've moved to Chesapeake, VA. My husband got stationed over here, so I moved the house while he was riding the submarine around to get over here. As such, I got here roughly a month before he will get here. Which gives me time to get to know the area a little bit, and get the house in order before he gets here. Yes, I know I'm such a good wife. ;)
One of the things on my list to do was find a place to shop on an extreme budget. We have practically no money to buy groceries and gas after paying the bills, until we get reimbursed for our travel expenses. SO, this is where the Super Wal-Mart down the street comes in handy. Not only is it right up the street from me, but I am able to go there to get everything I need to get. Because, naturally, having just moved all the way across the country I need not only groceries, but little things like a shower curtain and garbage can, etc.
So, I venture on over to the Wal-Mart. Which is REALLY hard for me to do, because I despise everything about that company! But, at this point I'm still scared of traveling too far from my new apartment by myself, for fear of getting lost; and I've got like $3 to spend on everything I need. I get there, go shopping and it was great, I saved a bunch of money and got everything I needed. I spent roughly $90.
About a week later I was checking my bank account and I noticed that Wal-Mart had deducted the $90 from my account, and then 3 days afterward PUT IT BACK IN! So, I'm a little freaked out, until I look a little further up the list...3 days after they put it back in my account, THEY TOOK IT OUT AGAIN!! WTF!?!
Now, like I said with Navy Federal they do this, but you don't actually see it happen. It doesn't clear your account twice and show up on your statement! So, I figure, I'm laundering money through Wal-Mart. Or at least I was. After seeing this happen to my account, I'm so pissed that they felt the need to keep accessing my account, that I WILL NOT be shopping at Wal-Mart any more. There's a very nice supermarket near my apartment, and a Target in the same strip mall. So, I say to hell with Wally World. They can launder all the money they want to...but not through my account ANY MORE!
Friday, August 11, 2006
Best Day EVER!
Ok, so all this was yesterday, and I should have blogged about it then, but it didn't end til about 2am. SO I'm blogging now.
Yesterday started out pretty normal. I woke up aroud the same time as usual, and then the girl that was taking all my boxes came and picked up my boxes. So that was nice, no more boxes is a damn good thing! I can actually see my living room without having to look around a box!
A little later Alice came by and we went shopping. We went to this ginormous craft store. For being so big, it didn't seem to have anything that JoAnn's doesn't have, it just had more of it. We made it out of there and on to Kohl's to get me new jeans. Mine have been practically hanging off my ass lately, so I needed new ones.
Boy did I! I didn't realize how badly I needed new jeans til I was in the dressing room with 2 pair of Levi's size 10 jeans, that FIT! The fucking fit!!! I havn't been a size 10 since I was a freshman in high school!!! So, of corse nearly in tears, I bought the jeans and some new smaller shirts to go with them! We finished our shopping excursion at the mall with new bra's.
She dropped me off at home and I did some boring stuff, and then later that night I was sitting at my computer uploading new purses to my etsy shop. And I got an email in my Emotional Bags account. I SOLD MY FIRST BAG ON ETSY!!! I havn't even had them up there a whole week yet, and I sold one! OMG! I was stoked, cause I never sold any of my purses that fast on Ebay! HAHA!
To top off my excitement the lady that bought my purse is from Seattle. She runs a site for artists, and she's thinking she wants to put my bags on it! Of corse she's got to evaulate my purse first, but I'm still excited! And I'm totally flattered! It was a great day yesterday. A great freakin day!!
Yesterday started out pretty normal. I woke up aroud the same time as usual, and then the girl that was taking all my boxes came and picked up my boxes. So that was nice, no more boxes is a damn good thing! I can actually see my living room without having to look around a box!
A little later Alice came by and we went shopping. We went to this ginormous craft store. For being so big, it didn't seem to have anything that JoAnn's doesn't have, it just had more of it. We made it out of there and on to Kohl's to get me new jeans. Mine have been practically hanging off my ass lately, so I needed new ones.
Boy did I! I didn't realize how badly I needed new jeans til I was in the dressing room with 2 pair of Levi's size 10 jeans, that FIT! The fucking fit!!! I havn't been a size 10 since I was a freshman in high school!!! So, of corse nearly in tears, I bought the jeans and some new smaller shirts to go with them! We finished our shopping excursion at the mall with new bra's.
She dropped me off at home and I did some boring stuff, and then later that night I was sitting at my computer uploading new purses to my etsy shop. And I got an email in my Emotional Bags account. I SOLD MY FIRST BAG ON ETSY!!! I havn't even had them up there a whole week yet, and I sold one! OMG! I was stoked, cause I never sold any of my purses that fast on Ebay! HAHA!
To top off my excitement the lady that bought my purse is from Seattle. She runs a site for artists, and she's thinking she wants to put my bags on it! Of corse she's got to evaulate my purse first, but I'm still excited! And I'm totally flattered! It was a great day yesterday. A great freakin day!!
Monday, August 07, 2006
The Navy Wife Network
For those of you who didn't read my post about building a network for the navy wives, I'm building a network for Navy wives. I'm putting it up on the net, and the site will have reviews of each base. Good places to eat, good babysitters, good places to get your nails done and so on. My goal is to make it be a navy wife driven site, with reviews on each base and place listed for that base, complete with a star rated system.
Any way, I've been begging for information from ladies and everyone thinks that it's a GREAT idea, but noone is giving me anything. Except for one person. So one more plea Navy Wives!! I need info on the base you're living on, and bases you've been to! Email me for a survey if you need to, or simply write me a review of your most favorites and worst favorites and why! Thank you.
Now, without further adeu I give you the link to the under construction site...
Simple to remember, and hopefully will become a staple of every navy wife's online bookmarks. Feedback is welcomed, so bring it on! Give me ideas, I need all I can get.
Tamara Rosas
Any way, I've been begging for information from ladies and everyone thinks that it's a GREAT idea, but noone is giving me anything. Except for one person. So one more plea Navy Wives!! I need info on the base you're living on, and bases you've been to! Email me for a survey if you need to, or simply write me a review of your most favorites and worst favorites and why! Thank you.
Now, without further adeu I give you the link to the under construction site...
Simple to remember, and hopefully will become a staple of every navy wife's online bookmarks. Feedback is welcomed, so bring it on! Give me ideas, I need all I can get.
Tamara Rosas
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
May I please buy MY home video from you!?!
Normaly I'm right on board with just about everything Apple has come out with. Their company has excellent ideas, and their products are finally progressing into the new millenium in leaps and bounds. However, I've just read the most ludicrus article about iTunes and their video streaming EVER.
To read the article you can CLICK HERE.
Now, not owning an iPod, and having never used the iTunes web site and software, I'm not entirely sure how this works. But please, allow me to take a few quotes from the article and analyze them out of context...
"As soon as you record that precious footage of your daughter's first steps, you'll be able to buy it right back from iTunes and download it directly to your computer and video iPod."
I'm sorry, but as soon as I record my "precious footage" I'm going to download it into my computer and then burn it to a DVD. Don't you have to upload your stuff to iTunes for them to "own" it? If I don't upload it, they don't own it. The way this was said, sounds like they own all footage recorded and you're going to have to buy it back from them.
"No more searching through your movies folder for that footage of your 50th wedding anniversary. Now all you need is a 768Kbps broadband connection and your credit card, and every timeless personal memory you've ever shot will be right at your fingertips."
ROFLMAO!!! This is seriously a quote from the article. And this is the dumbest quote I've heard all month! I'm sorry, but if you've got so much footage that you can't stand to "search" through a computer folder to find it perhaps you should utilize the handy dandy little right click option and ALPHEBATIZE your folder so you can find shit!
"Thanks to this revolutionary new software, all your clips—from your son's bris to your father's dying message—are available to you, your loved ones, and the 20 million iTunes users, who will be able to view them on up to five different computers."
I dunno about you, but I don't want my "father's dying message" to be available to everyone.
"No more disappointment for Cynthia Hamill of Hartford, CT when she realizes she can't find that tape of herself singing 'Sweet Caroline' in the bath as an 8-year-old," Jobs said. "For only a couple of bucks, that cherished moment can again be hers."
Ok, if she can't find it in the first place, how the fuck did Apple get a hold of it? Are they planning on breaking into my house and stealing all of my home video's and then putting them on the net and charging me for them? Seriously.
"It's just a matter of convenience," Mansfield, OH resident Samantha Davidoff said. "Why should I sift through the dozens of unlabeled DV tapes in my closet to find that submission tape I made for Extreme Makeover when I can just do a search on iTunes? Repurchasing my own stuff has never been this intuitive."
"We were all excited to watch [daughter] Tabitha's birth when we got home from the hospital, but we could only view a 30-second clip before we had to buy it," Harvey Gaddis of Tulsa, OK said. "All we could see in the preview were some of the initial contractions."
How does this software work again? You put it up on the site and then automatically it's theirs and you have to pay to see it again? Sounds great! Where do I sign up?
This sounds like the dumbest idea ever. And the funny part about it is that they're blatantly telling everyone about it right to their faces and people are just ok with it. I'm sorry, but I'm not. There is no way in Hell that I would upload my video's to your site if I'm going to have to pay ANY amount of money to get them back from you. Weather that amount is $1.99 or $0.05, their MY VIDEO'S!
To read the article you can CLICK HERE.
Now, not owning an iPod, and having never used the iTunes web site and software, I'm not entirely sure how this works. But please, allow me to take a few quotes from the article and analyze them out of context...
"As soon as you record that precious footage of your daughter's first steps, you'll be able to buy it right back from iTunes and download it directly to your computer and video iPod."
I'm sorry, but as soon as I record my "precious footage" I'm going to download it into my computer and then burn it to a DVD. Don't you have to upload your stuff to iTunes for them to "own" it? If I don't upload it, they don't own it. The way this was said, sounds like they own all footage recorded and you're going to have to buy it back from them.
"No more searching through your movies folder for that footage of your 50th wedding anniversary. Now all you need is a 768Kbps broadband connection and your credit card, and every timeless personal memory you've ever shot will be right at your fingertips."
ROFLMAO!!! This is seriously a quote from the article. And this is the dumbest quote I've heard all month! I'm sorry, but if you've got so much footage that you can't stand to "search" through a computer folder to find it perhaps you should utilize the handy dandy little right click option and ALPHEBATIZE your folder so you can find shit!
"Thanks to this revolutionary new software, all your clips—from your son's bris to your father's dying message—are available to you, your loved ones, and the 20 million iTunes users, who will be able to view them on up to five different computers."
I dunno about you, but I don't want my "father's dying message" to be available to everyone.
"No more disappointment for Cynthia Hamill of Hartford, CT when she realizes she can't find that tape of herself singing 'Sweet Caroline' in the bath as an 8-year-old," Jobs said. "For only a couple of bucks, that cherished moment can again be hers."
Ok, if she can't find it in the first place, how the fuck did Apple get a hold of it? Are they planning on breaking into my house and stealing all of my home video's and then putting them on the net and charging me for them? Seriously.
"It's just a matter of convenience," Mansfield, OH resident Samantha Davidoff said. "Why should I sift through the dozens of unlabeled DV tapes in my closet to find that submission tape I made for Extreme Makeover when I can just do a search on iTunes? Repurchasing my own stuff has never been this intuitive."
"We were all excited to watch [daughter] Tabitha's birth when we got home from the hospital, but we could only view a 30-second clip before we had to buy it," Harvey Gaddis of Tulsa, OK said. "All we could see in the preview were some of the initial contractions."
How does this software work again? You put it up on the site and then automatically it's theirs and you have to pay to see it again? Sounds great! Where do I sign up?
This sounds like the dumbest idea ever. And the funny part about it is that they're blatantly telling everyone about it right to their faces and people are just ok with it. I'm sorry, but I'm not. There is no way in Hell that I would upload my video's to your site if I'm going to have to pay ANY amount of money to get them back from you. Weather that amount is $1.99 or $0.05, their MY VIDEO'S!
Monday, July 31, 2006
Hopelessly devoted to.....Disney?
So, tonight I'm watching this tv show called Captured on MSNBC. They're doing a pretty cool show tonight on tattoo's and the culture. As the show cuts to commercial, I was sitting her so stunned that I had to blog about it...
There is a guy on here who has all Disney tattoo's. In fact, he's gotten 1001 disney tattoo's!! Holy shit! That's fine and dandy if that's where it ends. But this guy has taken it to such an extreme he's driven his family away. They're talking about how obsessed this guy is with Disney that he's built a whole house dedicated only to Disney, everything inside is Disney. They said that this guy has estimated to have spent roughly $100,000 just on memorabilia for his house. That's not even his tattoo's.
It gets worse....this guy is on his 6th marriage because he can't be married to anyone who isn't as dedicated to Disney as he is. Not only that, but his 19 year old daughter moved out of the house (probably got kicked out) when she was 13 because she refused to decorate her room in Disney!!!! And he said that he's now having problems with his 14 year old daughter because she likes N'Sync!! OMG! This wacked out bastard is kicking people out of his house because they won't allow their whole room to be Disney. I get that it's his house, but come on! This nut job spends roughly $85,000 a year traveling to Disney events and theme parks! ALL of his extra money goes to Disney!
I'm thinkin fuck the tattoo special, let's do a whole special on this freak show!
Check out his web site....Disney Tattoo Guy
There is a guy on here who has all Disney tattoo's. In fact, he's gotten 1001 disney tattoo's!! Holy shit! That's fine and dandy if that's where it ends. But this guy has taken it to such an extreme he's driven his family away. They're talking about how obsessed this guy is with Disney that he's built a whole house dedicated only to Disney, everything inside is Disney. They said that this guy has estimated to have spent roughly $100,000 just on memorabilia for his house. That's not even his tattoo's.
It gets worse....this guy is on his 6th marriage because he can't be married to anyone who isn't as dedicated to Disney as he is. Not only that, but his 19 year old daughter moved out of the house (probably got kicked out) when she was 13 because she refused to decorate her room in Disney!!!! And he said that he's now having problems with his 14 year old daughter because she likes N'Sync!! OMG! This wacked out bastard is kicking people out of his house because they won't allow their whole room to be Disney. I get that it's his house, but come on! This nut job spends roughly $85,000 a year traveling to Disney events and theme parks! ALL of his extra money goes to Disney!
I'm thinkin fuck the tattoo special, let's do a whole special on this freak show!
Check out his web site....Disney Tattoo Guy
Saturday, July 29, 2006
I think he hates me...
I'm slowly comming to the realization that my cat probably hates me. Things were fine and dandy til I uprooted his ass and moved it all the way across the country to a strange place. He's already a skiddish "scaredy cat" who likes noone but me. But now he's disappeared. That's right, gone incognito, put on his invisibility cloak, made himself a little hiding spot in the boxes that occupy my new apartment. Let me explain what this poor little guy has gone through in the last 2 weeks....
I moved us out of our apartment in Silverdale. They were locked safely away from the loud tape and paper packaging of the movers in the laundry room; until the movers decided that they were ok to roam free. Oh no, not such a good idea! He freaked out big time! Later that night I had to find him to take him to my grandma's house where I was staying for the next week. He was nowhere to be found. A house full of nothing but boxes, you wouldn't think it'd be that hard to find a cat. There are only so many places he can hide right? Wrong. I couldn't find him anywhere, so I had to come back for him later. He peeked out from behind a couple of boxes, I put him into a carrier and took him to my grandma's.
At my grandma's he was actually pretty ok. Aside from the dog, who wanted to play constantly, it was a great place for him. He adjusted well, and things were good. He got to live there for a week with me, when I had to fly him across the country.
He'd never flown before, but they got great big new carriers for the flight. They were stuffed into the car on one of the hottest fucking days in Washington state history. Not only was it hot, but it was humid and gross outside! We got them to Tacoma and had to leave them at my aunt's house for about 2 hours or so. Then, back into the car, and on to the airport. The vet had given me Xanax for the kitties flight, so I gave Stardust 1 1/2 (cause she's fat....well she is!) and Sunshine got a half a pill.
On the other side of the country Jesse (my sugar glider) and I made it just fine; and headed over to pick up the cats at the cargo center for Delta. By the time Alice and I got there, their plane had been landed for about an hour; so we figured they should be more than ready to go. Boy was I wrong! First off the guy behind the counter tried to pawn this orange tabby off on me 3 times before he finally believed me that the cat was neither my cat nor was it 2 cats which I needed to pick up! Then they didn't have my cats registered on their flights. They didn't have them registered (in the computer) on the flight out of Seattle, OR out of Atlanta where they had their layover. FUCK! It's quickly climbing to over 90 degrees and about 110% humidity, and I'm seriously worried. After spending an hour or so at the cargo counter, I was in tears and about ready to have someone's job! I was told to go home, and they would call me IF they found my cats!!! IF?!?! Livid doesn't even accurately describe how pissed I was.
Alice and I left, since the cargo counter didn't have a/c and it was swealtering and I was sweating, and leaking from the eyes. 4 FUCKING HOURS LATER I get a call from Delta, telling me that they found my cats. Seriously guys, 4 hours? Apparently, according the bullshit comming through my cell phone, someone had taken them to feed them. Umm hmmm....why did this task take 4 hours to complete (Stardust isn't that fat) and why didn't anyone know where they were?? Any way, I took them to Alice's house, where they got to live in an upstairs bedroom for 3 days sequestered from the dogs.
Then, I bring them to this new apartment. I had to literally drag them from underneath the guest bed at Alice's place. I get them here, and the house is full of boxes (once again) and I still had (have) lots of unpacking to do. Once again, loud paper and tape; and my cat is missing. He's been completely out of sight for a day and a half. So much so that he hasn't even eaten.
Every once in a while I'll hear some paper fall, or him hit a metal closet door as he jumps over a box or two. But when I go to find him, he's nowhere to be found. I don't really blame him. It's been a scary long journey. But I'm starting to get worried that he's pinned between boxes or something. He doesn't even cry for me when I call his name.
I'm sure once he's done hating me he'll be back. But at this point in time, I think he hates me. And I may be down to one cat.
I moved us out of our apartment in Silverdale. They were locked safely away from the loud tape and paper packaging of the movers in the laundry room; until the movers decided that they were ok to roam free. Oh no, not such a good idea! He freaked out big time! Later that night I had to find him to take him to my grandma's house where I was staying for the next week. He was nowhere to be found. A house full of nothing but boxes, you wouldn't think it'd be that hard to find a cat. There are only so many places he can hide right? Wrong. I couldn't find him anywhere, so I had to come back for him later. He peeked out from behind a couple of boxes, I put him into a carrier and took him to my grandma's.
At my grandma's he was actually pretty ok. Aside from the dog, who wanted to play constantly, it was a great place for him. He adjusted well, and things were good. He got to live there for a week with me, when I had to fly him across the country.
He'd never flown before, but they got great big new carriers for the flight. They were stuffed into the car on one of the hottest fucking days in Washington state history. Not only was it hot, but it was humid and gross outside! We got them to Tacoma and had to leave them at my aunt's house for about 2 hours or so. Then, back into the car, and on to the airport. The vet had given me Xanax for the kitties flight, so I gave Stardust 1 1/2 (cause she's fat....well she is!) and Sunshine got a half a pill.
On the other side of the country Jesse (my sugar glider) and I made it just fine; and headed over to pick up the cats at the cargo center for Delta. By the time Alice and I got there, their plane had been landed for about an hour; so we figured they should be more than ready to go. Boy was I wrong! First off the guy behind the counter tried to pawn this orange tabby off on me 3 times before he finally believed me that the cat was neither my cat nor was it 2 cats which I needed to pick up! Then they didn't have my cats registered on their flights. They didn't have them registered (in the computer) on the flight out of Seattle, OR out of Atlanta where they had their layover. FUCK! It's quickly climbing to over 90 degrees and about 110% humidity, and I'm seriously worried. After spending an hour or so at the cargo counter, I was in tears and about ready to have someone's job! I was told to go home, and they would call me IF they found my cats!!! IF?!?! Livid doesn't even accurately describe how pissed I was.
Alice and I left, since the cargo counter didn't have a/c and it was swealtering and I was sweating, and leaking from the eyes. 4 FUCKING HOURS LATER I get a call from Delta, telling me that they found my cats. Seriously guys, 4 hours? Apparently, according the bullshit comming through my cell phone, someone had taken them to feed them. Umm hmmm....why did this task take 4 hours to complete (Stardust isn't that fat) and why didn't anyone know where they were?? Any way, I took them to Alice's house, where they got to live in an upstairs bedroom for 3 days sequestered from the dogs.
Then, I bring them to this new apartment. I had to literally drag them from underneath the guest bed at Alice's place. I get them here, and the house is full of boxes (once again) and I still had (have) lots of unpacking to do. Once again, loud paper and tape; and my cat is missing. He's been completely out of sight for a day and a half. So much so that he hasn't even eaten.
Every once in a while I'll hear some paper fall, or him hit a metal closet door as he jumps over a box or two. But when I go to find him, he's nowhere to be found. I don't really blame him. It's been a scary long journey. But I'm starting to get worried that he's pinned between boxes or something. He doesn't even cry for me when I call his name.
I'm sure once he's done hating me he'll be back. But at this point in time, I think he hates me. And I may be down to one cat.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Well Finally!
Alright, I'm finally here. It's fucking hot. Duh. I knew that when I told my husband to take this specific duty. I fucking hate hot.
I arrived on Tuesday morning, July 25th. We stepped outside into the covered parking lot to put my suitcases into the car, and I about drown. Seriously, the amount of humidity in the air is ridiculous. It's alright, I'm learning to cope already. We were sitting outside tonight around 8ish, and I said "It feels like it's cooling off a bit..." And alice said to me "yea it's probably about 90 now instead of 94 like it was earlier." OMG! Are you shitting me!?! I'm noticing a 4 degree drop in the temperature it's that fucking hot!
I can totally understand why people think that this is the "armpit" of America. It feels like an armpit. Sweaty, hot and humid. It's alright. My movers are supposed to be here tomorrow to drop all my stuff off. I am SO ready to move into my own place and set up house. I even bought furniture today!
We went around to thrift shops looking for furniture and didn't get too far, but boy are there a ton of furniture stores here! I want cheap furniture thats kitchy and funky that I can paint. I'm going to do my living room (and probably all my furniture, really) in red paint, with a chocolate trim. But I wanna add fun knobs to the drawers and that sort of thing. I'm just feeling so creative lately.
Today I actually bought an old radio/record player/8 track player!! It's awesome, and the speaker covers are red! It's fate I think. I've been looking for an affordable record player for a while, none of the thrift stores in Washington had one; and this one was only $10! I also got a really cool cupboard to hang on the wall. It's square, and it's got a mirror in the door. I'm going to mod podge vintage pictures over the red paint I'm going to put on it.
That's right cats and kittens, I'm going to have a kick ass funky house.....and you're all going to want to come over and listen to records and 8 tracks. But you can't! Because I'm in fucking Virginia!
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Prudes Trample Rights of Hollywood Directors and Editors
"....Also wearing thin is the way these people do all this in the name of the children. Seems like whenever somebody gets embarrassed by content they're exposed to, they suddenly get the urge to trample on the rights of others. And then, out trots that tired old phrase, "protect the children." I have a young child, and I know, as any parent does, that most little kids are not at all interested in the content of films like Chinatown, Taxi Driver, The Godfather or Debbie Does Dallas. Until my daughter was about seven, she didn't even want to watch anything unless it was animated. Even if they do catch a glimpse of these "dirty" movies, if you've been communicating well with your children, and explaining sex and violence to them all along, there won't be anything from which they'll need to be protected. I have a suggestion for you, protectionist parents: If you're so hell-bent on protecting the children from something, don't let them watch any more television commercials....."
I took that from THIS article. And, a fantastically written article I might add. I must say that I agree with every point made in it. Since when did this country allow people like the FCC and "Clean Flicks" take away our first ammendment right? Oh wait....
Well I'm fucking sorry if my shitty blog fucking offends your dumb ass, you stupid motherfucer. But guess what!?! If you don't fucking like the way I write my goddamn material, don't fucking read it! FUCK!
Friday, July 14, 2006
Hand over your free speech! *points a gun at my back*
This is getting completely asinine! When the fuck are people going to realize that their freedoms are slowly being taken away from them!?!! When are they going to stop burying their heads in the sand and pretend like everything is ok? Because it's not. I was seriously disturbed this morning when I read a bulletin on my MySpace from Save the Internet. I'm posting it here, so those of you who do not know me on MySpace, and those of you who find me by accident might be a little enlightened.
Open up your eyes people! We're losing our grip on the fucking Constitution!!
MySpace Kills Internet Tube Song
After hearing Sen. Ted Stevens' now infamous description of the internet as a "series of tubes," Andrew Raff sang the senator's words over a folksy ditty and anonymously posted it to MySpace.com , where about 2,500 people listened to the tune, thanks to a link from one of the net's top blogs.
On Tuesday, MySpace canceled the TedStevensFanClub account, telling Raff that the social-networking site, now owned by media mogul Rupert Murdoch's News Corp., had received a "credible complaint of your violation of the MySpace Terms of Services."
The e-mail referenced a number of prohibited activities, including trademark and copyright violations. MySpace also reserves the right to remove any profile for any reason.
But Raff, a recent graduate from law school, didn't violate any copyright laws in using the Alaskan senator's words, since government works cannot be protected by copyright. And Raff composed the music himself.
Raff doesn't contest MySpace's right to enforce its terms of service, but he sees a political lesson in the takedown -- a foreshadowing of the kind of repression of speech that could become commonplace if phone companies prevail in their efforts to create a two-tiered internet. In an e-mail interview, he also questioned MySpace's motives in removing his political commentary from the site.
"I'm not at all upset about MySpace taking the page down -- just curious as to why," he wrote. "I have yet to receive a reply to my inquiry as to why this account was deleted.... I am very curious about the reasons why they took this down -- if it is a case of extreme caution with regards to copyright or whether it is the result of some other influence (perhaps even good taste)."
Art Brodsky, communications director for Public Knowledge, questioned the timing of the takedown, noting that News Corp. has interests in the telecommunications bill put forth by the Senate Commerce Committee that Stevens heads, and that some in Congress are looking to regulate MySpace over concerns about pedophiles.
"Of all the God-knows-how-many separate postings on MySpace, this one was singled out," Brodsky said. "You can't fill out an online form to get something deleted; somebody had to make a specific call on that specific song. Given all that has been happening with Stevens -- he was on The Daily Show last night and all the writing we have been doing -- I just have a very skeptical view of coincidence."
MySpace's PR firm said it would look into the matter.
Public Knowledge, a nonprofit that has been fighting against the broadcast flag and for net neutrality, originally posted the recording of Stevens' odd, and technically inaccurate, explanation of why he was voting against net neutrality.
After a Wired News blog published a transcript of his remarks, they became a sensation over the long July 4 weekend, spawning hundreds of blog posts and comments at sites such as digg and Slashdot, and inspiring netizens to make T-shirts, PowerPoint presentations and songs lampooning the senator's assertion that the "internet isn't a truck ... it's a series of tubes."
The internet tube meme hit the big time when comedian Jon Stewart aired the audio on The Daily Show Wednesday night, complete with a helpful diagram illustrating how a tube-based internet might work.
Watch the famous John Stewart video
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Retro Friend
I've come to the realization today that I'm slowly becoming obsolete. Of corse this tends to happen when you move away. You back away from your life slow enough to say a few good-bye's and then....fade to black...
I think that part of this has to do with the sale of items in my house. I've officially sold the guest bed (and gotten rid of it). And, my boss bought 2 of my 3 nail tables and my washer and dryer; her husband picked up the tables today. I'm supposed to have someone come out today to look at purchasing Lilo and Stitch, that will be a nasty blow when they're gone.
Also, part of it all is Leo has been gone for a few days now, and Chris left today. Well, actually pulled the same shit he did last time and tried to leave without saying good-bye again. Fucker. Problem remedied with a 6:15am hug and good-bye. But I was tired. Leo even called this morning around 8:15 so it made my day better.
Things around here are moving at breakneck pace, so it's nice to be able to sit for a minute and blog. I need to get out of this funk. I need to not feel like I'm not worth anything any more, that I'm becoming obsolete; sortof like cassette tapes or 8 tracks. Oh sure, you play em every once in a while for nostalgia, but you don't need them around at all. I guess I'm afraid of becoming a "retro friend."
Take me out and buy me a drink. Make me feel appreciated and loved again! Like I've actually got a purpose still. This is a really weird feeling to have at age 24...
Friday, July 07, 2006
I'm sorry, was it too much to ask you to parent your child!?!
When the fuck are they going to start charging the PARENTS for not disciplining their children and being parents!?!! I think people need to take responsibility for their children, and if something like this happens to a child; perhaps they need to turn to the parents first instead of MySpace or whatever bullshit scapegoat they've got their eye on. This is one to keep going. Don't let them take away your freedoms, no matter how small!
Anybody happen to catch Nightline last night on ABC? In case you didn't, one of the hot topics discussed was MySpace. It is no secret to anyone who reads the newspaper or watches the 6 o'clock news that MySpace has been in the limelight because of "sexual predators" trying to "abduct and corrupt" the youth of the world. To this I say bullshit! I see dozens of profiles a day showing 14 year old girls dressed like sluts, wearing four inches of make up and 32 layers of eyeliner, displaying their age as 18 years old and profile lines stating "Oh, I'm So Sexy" or "Hey There, Wanna Check Up On It?" Come on! The youth of today's world are already corrupt enough due to the undying need to be "older" than they really are. I seriously doubt there are tons of people on MySpace stalking "innocent young girls" who just happen to have tramped up profiles and ages 4 years greater than their own.
On Nightline, there was a story of a 12 year old girl who was a drug-addict and attributed it all to MySpace. She claims that Myspace allowed her to easily find drug dealers in her area, as well as older men to have sex with her. Now, at the age of 14, she has been checked into a drug-rehabilitation clinic and has been away from her family for 5 months. Her parents would rather place the blame squarely on the shoulders of MySpace instead of their daughter, who even admitted that at the age of 12, had already tried weed, crack, X, and had slept with numerous guys older than herself...but of course, it wasn't her fault, it was all because of MySpace.
One again, COME ON! When are parents and children going to stop passing the blame and grow up enough to take responsibility for their actions and the actions of their children.. Parent;s, monitor your children online, take some responsibility for YOUR children. Children, if a profile name sounds like something that comes out of a cheap horror movie, like "DARK ANGEL OF DEATH WHO EATS THE BRAINS OF GIRLS"...chances are you DO NOT WANT TO ADD THEM AS A FRIEND. Apparently there is new legislation in Congress now to block MySpace in all public schools and public libraries across the United States. All because little girls want to act grown and don't want to accept the consequences and parents don't want to accept the fact that their "innocent little girls" are posing as 18 year old crack whores trying to buy drugs.
Eventually, if this continues, MySpace could be totally outlawed from the Internet. Restrictions will be put in place in order to make MySpace "safer". I don't know about you, but I use MySpace to keep in touch with my family and friends, use it for messages, and just to have a space that is my own. Just because some children want to act grown, does that mean I may have to eventually give up my MySpace? If you feel the same way I do, please, repost this in your blogs or bulletins, or both as "STOP BLAMING MYSPACE". If enough people post this and spread the word, maybe people will get the picture and stop blaming MySpace for every little thing that their children do wrong. As user of MySpace, we should all repost this and take some sort of action. This is not a chain letter, and nothing will happen to you if you don't repost this in 321654987 seconds. However, of all bulletins you will read today, I am sure that this one is the only one that actually has a point to it.
A 14 year old girl, and her mother have filed a law suit against Myspace.com (what?) because she was sexually assaulted by another user. She said he lied by saying he was on the high School football team, and THAT gained her trust. Obvisiously if thats all it took to gain her trust, she easily trust pretty much anybody and anyone. She's suing Myspace.com for $30 million because she believes myspace has poor security. WHAT A CROC! Myspace is not a babysitting service, take responsiblity for your own actions!!! What happened to her is a terrible thing and should never happen to anyone period. Where were her parents? Why are they not held responsible for what thier daughter does in thier own home? Myspace has many many ways of blocking out/screening people, some are: you have to ACCEPT the person you may or may not know as well as deny people you do or do not know, you can have certain sercurity measures added like asking for last name and email address, you can block a person, you can only associate with people you ALREADY know or simply you can NOT be on MySpace if you lack common sense.
Want to know why the media is jumping all over this? NewsCorp, parent company of Fox, now owns the controlling interest in MySpace (Look it up, it happened earlier this year). So of course ABC, CBS, and NBC will take any chance they can get to put MySpace in a negative light-- it hurts Fox's holdings when they do so.
People are too quick to blame someone else for their shortcomings and because of that, responsible people lose more freedoms as every generation passes.
Anybody happen to catch Nightline last night on ABC? In case you didn't, one of the hot topics discussed was MySpace. It is no secret to anyone who reads the newspaper or watches the 6 o'clock news that MySpace has been in the limelight because of "sexual predators" trying to "abduct and corrupt" the youth of the world. To this I say bullshit! I see dozens of profiles a day showing 14 year old girls dressed like sluts, wearing four inches of make up and 32 layers of eyeliner, displaying their age as 18 years old and profile lines stating "Oh, I'm So Sexy" or "Hey There, Wanna Check Up On It?" Come on! The youth of today's world are already corrupt enough due to the undying need to be "older" than they really are. I seriously doubt there are tons of people on MySpace stalking "innocent young girls" who just happen to have tramped up profiles and ages 4 years greater than their own.
On Nightline, there was a story of a 12 year old girl who was a drug-addict and attributed it all to MySpace. She claims that Myspace allowed her to easily find drug dealers in her area, as well as older men to have sex with her. Now, at the age of 14, she has been checked into a drug-rehabilitation clinic and has been away from her family for 5 months. Her parents would rather place the blame squarely on the shoulders of MySpace instead of their daughter, who even admitted that at the age of 12, had already tried weed, crack, X, and had slept with numerous guys older than herself...but of course, it wasn't her fault, it was all because of MySpace.
One again, COME ON! When are parents and children going to stop passing the blame and grow up enough to take responsibility for their actions and the actions of their children.. Parent;s, monitor your children online, take some responsibility for YOUR children. Children, if a profile name sounds like something that comes out of a cheap horror movie, like "DARK ANGEL OF DEATH WHO EATS THE BRAINS OF GIRLS"...chances are you DO NOT WANT TO ADD THEM AS A FRIEND. Apparently there is new legislation in Congress now to block MySpace in all public schools and public libraries across the United States. All because little girls want to act grown and don't want to accept the consequences and parents don't want to accept the fact that their "innocent little girls" are posing as 18 year old crack whores trying to buy drugs.
Eventually, if this continues, MySpace could be totally outlawed from the Internet. Restrictions will be put in place in order to make MySpace "safer". I don't know about you, but I use MySpace to keep in touch with my family and friends, use it for messages, and just to have a space that is my own. Just because some children want to act grown, does that mean I may have to eventually give up my MySpace? If you feel the same way I do, please, repost this in your blogs or bulletins, or both as "STOP BLAMING MYSPACE". If enough people post this and spread the word, maybe people will get the picture and stop blaming MySpace for every little thing that their children do wrong. As user of MySpace, we should all repost this and take some sort of action. This is not a chain letter, and nothing will happen to you if you don't repost this in 321654987 seconds. However, of all bulletins you will read today, I am sure that this one is the only one that actually has a point to it.
A 14 year old girl, and her mother have filed a law suit against Myspace.com (what?) because she was sexually assaulted by another user. She said he lied by saying he was on the high School football team, and THAT gained her trust. Obvisiously if thats all it took to gain her trust, she easily trust pretty much anybody and anyone. She's suing Myspace.com for $30 million because she believes myspace has poor security. WHAT A CROC! Myspace is not a babysitting service, take responsiblity for your own actions!!! What happened to her is a terrible thing and should never happen to anyone period. Where were her parents? Why are they not held responsible for what thier daughter does in thier own home? Myspace has many many ways of blocking out/screening people, some are: you have to ACCEPT the person you may or may not know as well as deny people you do or do not know, you can have certain sercurity measures added like asking for last name and email address, you can block a person, you can only associate with people you ALREADY know or simply you can NOT be on MySpace if you lack common sense.
Want to know why the media is jumping all over this? NewsCorp, parent company of Fox, now owns the controlling interest in MySpace (Look it up, it happened earlier this year). So of course ABC, CBS, and NBC will take any chance they can get to put MySpace in a negative light-- it hurts Fox's holdings when they do so.
People are too quick to blame someone else for their shortcomings and because of that, responsible people lose more freedoms as every generation passes.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Excuse Me!
What the HELL is happening to our manners!?!! Seriously, I've been noticing it a lot lately. And we're not talking about the stupid petty uptight manners either like putting your elbows on the table. Just common sense, general do unto others be nice fucking manners!
Take for example today at Safeway. I've already got qualms with people who ride around in those fucking motorized carts because they're too fat to walk! HELLO! If you walked around, you'd be less fat and in the long run have less problems! Leo pointed her out to me in the produce section; where she, her husband and their gaggle of children tried to run me over. It wasn't blatant so I just brushed it off to they weren't paying attention because they were all engrossed in some sort of conversation; probably about why their family tree had no branches.
We finished our brief shopping trip and were headed to the checkout counter when this bitch came blazin down the main isle in the front by the cash registers and almost collided with a tiny Asian woman coming around a corner out of an aisle. The little Asian woman had to come to an abrupt halt to avoid hitting the fat lady on her robo cart of death and one of her spawn. When she did this, she knocked over a full display of batteries, that went of corse all over the floor. Not all nice like either, it was a mess.
Having seen this, I put down the groceries in my hands on a nearby table, and proceeded to help the lady pick up the batteries.
*now I need you to picture this situation: The cart is at an angle blocking most of the front aisle. I'm on the other side of the cart; sandwiched between this lady's cart and an end cap helping pick up batteries. The little Asian woman is also sandwiched but with an easy escape route because she's close to the end of the cart. I, however at this point, have NO escape route should someone try to move the cart and squish me....*
While I'm helping this woman pick up the batteries, the heffer on wheels has decided that she can neither go down another aisle and go around, nor wait for us to finish picking up the batteries. SO she feels that it's appropriate to bark orders at her son to move the nearby lawn furniture, so she could get around. Her slightly obese child half assededly moved the chairs and she proceeded to force her way between the chairs and the cart. Of corse there was NOT enough room to move the cow and her laze mobile between without moving the cart. Don't forget that I'm going to get squished if the cart is moved toward me.
Yea, I got squished. Because some fat cow couldn't wait 5 fucking seconds while we picked up a mess that she almost completely caused to happen! The whole time she's snarling in an irritated voice "Excuse, ME!" I finished helping the woman pick up the batteries and we paid for our groceries and left.
I think that Leo and I were so utterly shocked that she was SO rude that we simply could not say what we wanted to say to her. Honestly, I'd like to take her out back and flog her ass for being such a bitch, and on top of it all teaching her child that it's ok! This is why, as a nation, we're going to shit. Because people only care about themselves. The cashier was probably more shocked that I helped the woman out than the lady who was so rude.
Tis a sad, sad World we're living in. And it's not getting any better....it's getting WORSE!
Take for example today at Safeway. I've already got qualms with people who ride around in those fucking motorized carts because they're too fat to walk! HELLO! If you walked around, you'd be less fat and in the long run have less problems! Leo pointed her out to me in the produce section; where she, her husband and their gaggle of children tried to run me over. It wasn't blatant so I just brushed it off to they weren't paying attention because they were all engrossed in some sort of conversation; probably about why their family tree had no branches.
We finished our brief shopping trip and were headed to the checkout counter when this bitch came blazin down the main isle in the front by the cash registers and almost collided with a tiny Asian woman coming around a corner out of an aisle. The little Asian woman had to come to an abrupt halt to avoid hitting the fat lady on her robo cart of death and one of her spawn. When she did this, she knocked over a full display of batteries, that went of corse all over the floor. Not all nice like either, it was a mess.
Having seen this, I put down the groceries in my hands on a nearby table, and proceeded to help the lady pick up the batteries.
*now I need you to picture this situation: The cart is at an angle blocking most of the front aisle. I'm on the other side of the cart; sandwiched between this lady's cart and an end cap helping pick up batteries. The little Asian woman is also sandwiched but with an easy escape route because she's close to the end of the cart. I, however at this point, have NO escape route should someone try to move the cart and squish me....*
While I'm helping this woman pick up the batteries, the heffer on wheels has decided that she can neither go down another aisle and go around, nor wait for us to finish picking up the batteries. SO she feels that it's appropriate to bark orders at her son to move the nearby lawn furniture, so she could get around. Her slightly obese child half assededly moved the chairs and she proceeded to force her way between the chairs and the cart. Of corse there was NOT enough room to move the cow and her laze mobile between without moving the cart. Don't forget that I'm going to get squished if the cart is moved toward me.
Yea, I got squished. Because some fat cow couldn't wait 5 fucking seconds while we picked up a mess that she almost completely caused to happen! The whole time she's snarling in an irritated voice "Excuse, ME!" I finished helping the woman pick up the batteries and we paid for our groceries and left.
I think that Leo and I were so utterly shocked that she was SO rude that we simply could not say what we wanted to say to her. Honestly, I'd like to take her out back and flog her ass for being such a bitch, and on top of it all teaching her child that it's ok! This is why, as a nation, we're going to shit. Because people only care about themselves. The cashier was probably more shocked that I helped the woman out than the lady who was so rude.
Tis a sad, sad World we're living in. And it's not getting any better....it's getting WORSE!
Under Apprecation...
As my days in Washington wind down; or wind up rather; I'm finding myself in the last week of work. Real work. I'm a Passion Parties consultant now, so I've got that to carry over to Virginia along with nail tech, but with more of an immediate uptake when I get there.
Today was my last day at Shari's. For the last 2 months or so I've been the veteran baker there. Basically picking up the slack from the new guy who can't manage to do the simplest of tasks, and also happens to be a dishwasher on his off baker days.
I worked my ass off for Shari's. Seriously. I was there every single day I was scheduled, on time. Except for one day when I locked my keys in my garage and I was going to come in after I got them out, roughly an hour after I was scheduled; but was told not to bother. Not only was I there every day, I was there on the holidays, including Christmas. I busted my ass making sure EVERYTHING was taken care of properly before I left for the day.
Granted these are every day things that should be taken care of. It's in the job description. I don't do anything half assed, so when I put my mind to something, I do it completely and fully; as with my job at Shari's every day.
I left today without even a good-bye. Not a "we're going to sure miss you around here!" Or even a handshake and good luck. It left me feeling just slightly under appreciated. It was a great job. I'll miss the money for the amount of work I had to do. But, I guess I just won't have to miss the people that much.
Why do I get the sick feeling that when I leave the salon it's going to be the same? She didn't even remember my birthday.
Today was my last day at Shari's. For the last 2 months or so I've been the veteran baker there. Basically picking up the slack from the new guy who can't manage to do the simplest of tasks, and also happens to be a dishwasher on his off baker days.
I worked my ass off for Shari's. Seriously. I was there every single day I was scheduled, on time. Except for one day when I locked my keys in my garage and I was going to come in after I got them out, roughly an hour after I was scheduled; but was told not to bother. Not only was I there every day, I was there on the holidays, including Christmas. I busted my ass making sure EVERYTHING was taken care of properly before I left for the day.
Granted these are every day things that should be taken care of. It's in the job description. I don't do anything half assed, so when I put my mind to something, I do it completely and fully; as with my job at Shari's every day.
I left today without even a good-bye. Not a "we're going to sure miss you around here!" Or even a handshake and good luck. It left me feeling just slightly under appreciated. It was a great job. I'll miss the money for the amount of work I had to do. But, I guess I just won't have to miss the people that much.
Why do I get the sick feeling that when I leave the salon it's going to be the same? She didn't even remember my birthday.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Rapture Delayed.....Again.
I was roamin around Craig's List today, when I came across the Rants and Raves page. I thought this was WAY too good not to post up in my blog. Thank you anonymous person on Craig's List.
I am really glad so many of you "Christians" have made such a big deal about today. Not only here on CL but everywhere. "We are all getting taken up in the Rapture!!!" and the ever popular "Your going to be left behind because your not a Christian and we are all going to just vanish, just incase you wonder where we all went."
Well I woke up this morning, shuffled downstairs to grab a coffee and catch the morning news. The sun was shining, birds singing. I decide to grab the paper instead of watching to tube, and go outside. I start to casually scan through the paper and drink my coffee. I see that Huff's letter has been released, a man and his 3 legged dog head east on a 1955 wheel chair, that Christine Gregoire is still certifiably insane...
Nothing about all the Christians vanishing off the face of the planet. (As nice a thought as that may be, can you take the Muslims too while your at it?) The sky didn't fall, planes didn't drop from the sky, there were no 1000 car pileup's on 405, and Ikea still sold the Borghamn storage system. (hideous).
Any shred of credibility you Christians had is gone. You have lost more with your dire warnings of "Rapture" and "Convert before 6-6-06 or burn forever, because we all get taken up on June 6th." then any you might have converted to your cause. I don't blame you though. You were hoodwinked by your pastors and reverends and such. Hopefully those of you with at least one functioning neuron in that soup you call a brain, cottoned on to this fact.
Oh I am sure you will hear from some that "We were all saved at the zero hour by (insert supernatural being here)" or "It must be Satan's fault!" But I mean come on... You have had OVER 2000 years of delays and non-events. The year 666 (had an entire year there), nothing. June 6th 1006, nothing. June 6th 1106, nothing. 1206, nothing. Etc etc etc... nothing nothing nothing. So are we to reset the clock again? See ya in another 100 years? Back then with more doom and gloom? Pathetic. I suppose you will all become militant now eh? Pissed off that your God missed his opening curtain. It couldn't be that you're wrong or anything? It couldn't be that God may in fact love us all. It couldn't be that he/she/it may not exist? Hmmm...
Anyway... Well done Christians, sorry about your rapture thing! All the best, see ya at Starbucks on Sunday.
Monday, June 05, 2006
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
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Monday, May 29, 2006
Soundtrack of my Life...
I think I'm going to add this one to my life's soundtrack...
Standing Outside A Broken Phone Booth With Money In My Hand
by: Primitive Radio Gods
Jan lays down and wrestles in her sleep
Moonlight spills on comic books
And superstars in magazines
An old friend calls and tells us where to meet
Her plane takes off from Baltimore
And touches down on Bourbon Street
We sit outside and argue all night long
About a god we've never seen
But never fails to side with me
Sunday comes and all the papers say
Ma Teresa's joined the mob
And happy with her full time job
Do do do do doo do
Am I alive or thoughts that drift away?
Does summer come for everyone?
Can humans do as prophets say?
And if I die before I learn to speak
Can money pay for all the days I lived awake
But half asleep?
Do do do do doo do x 2
A life is time, they teach us growing up
The seconds ticking killed us all
A million years before the fall
You ride the waves and don't ask where they go
You swim like lions through the crest
And bathe yourself on zebra flesh
I've been downhearted baby,
I've been downhearted baby,
Ever since the day we met
Friday, May 19, 2006
I turned on my AOL this morning to a fantastic story! Seriously, I'm not a fan of Bush, not most of his policy. And to be perfectly honest; just in case you havn't followed my blog ever; I think the man is a complete idiot. However, I am so ready for the English Language to become the U.S' official language!!!
I've written blogs on this topic before. And I'm all for letting immigrants come to this country and work. They can even stay for 5 years, and then move back. However, while you're here is it so much to ask that you have a basic knowledge of the English language??
About half of the immigration policy I don't agree with; and half of it I do. By all means, come in to the country and work, and start a new life. But how hard is it to put in the proper paperwork, and learn the language? Honestly, I wouldn't move to Germany and expect them all to speak to me in English, I would learn German. Or even Mexico for that matter, I'd learn Spanish.
This country was founded by British settlers, who's common language was...all together now....English! And while we're a melting pot of several different countries at this point; I don't think that it's too much to ask to all speak one language. I was born here, as were my parents, and grandparents and their grandparents and we all speak English. So, why now is it ok for someone to come over the border (any border not just Mexico) and tell me that they don't want that to be our national language?
"Hi, I'm going to come into your country, illegally, (not invade, not conquor not even start war with; simply come into your country illegally) and then tell you that I don't like that you don't speak my language, and that your common language shouldn't be English cause we're all from other countries!"
Fuck that! This is America. We were founded speaking English, and we've spoken English since that time. Get over the fact that it's going to be our official language. Learn it, or leave!
If you want to read the article on AOL about the new policy, click here.
I've written blogs on this topic before. And I'm all for letting immigrants come to this country and work. They can even stay for 5 years, and then move back. However, while you're here is it so much to ask that you have a basic knowledge of the English language??
About half of the immigration policy I don't agree with; and half of it I do. By all means, come in to the country and work, and start a new life. But how hard is it to put in the proper paperwork, and learn the language? Honestly, I wouldn't move to Germany and expect them all to speak to me in English, I would learn German. Or even Mexico for that matter, I'd learn Spanish.
This country was founded by British settlers, who's common language was...all together now....English! And while we're a melting pot of several different countries at this point; I don't think that it's too much to ask to all speak one language. I was born here, as were my parents, and grandparents and their grandparents and we all speak English. So, why now is it ok for someone to come over the border (any border not just Mexico) and tell me that they don't want that to be our national language?
"Hi, I'm going to come into your country, illegally, (not invade, not conquor not even start war with; simply come into your country illegally) and then tell you that I don't like that you don't speak my language, and that your common language shouldn't be English cause we're all from other countries!"
Fuck that! This is America. We were founded speaking English, and we've spoken English since that time. Get over the fact that it's going to be our official language. Learn it, or leave!
If you want to read the article on AOL about the new policy, click here.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Step out of the Dark Ages!
The man amazes me every time I talk to him! Not only can he babble on about NOTHING, but he makes me pretend to act like I care.
My effing father-in-law calls today. Normally I don't mind so much. After all, I'm the favorite; I didn't have the first boy, but Sam is such a bitch that he STILL likes me better.
Normally it's not so bad on the phone. I get the occasional Bible reference, that I promptly let go in one ear and out the other and then it's over in a matter of about an hour and I'm ok. Irritated, but ok.
Today he called around 12:45. He was wondering why I was home already. I think I actually startled him, I don't think he was expecting to get anybody. Any way, I explained to him that I worked this morning, and I was already home for the day. But that Leo was at work and he was probably going to have a late day.
These were his exact words to me....
"Well, good now you can prepare him dinner!"
I'm not shitting you! I was shocked that he didn't say "Why aren't you barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen by now!?!" Fucker! And the worst part, I had to pretend I didn't hear it and keep talking to him like he never even said it.
His policy: "Women and children should be seen and not heard!"
My Policy: "Get the fuck out of the Dark Ages you bible thumping bigot bastard!"
My effing father-in-law calls today. Normally I don't mind so much. After all, I'm the favorite; I didn't have the first boy, but Sam is such a bitch that he STILL likes me better.
Normally it's not so bad on the phone. I get the occasional Bible reference, that I promptly let go in one ear and out the other and then it's over in a matter of about an hour and I'm ok. Irritated, but ok.
Today he called around 12:45. He was wondering why I was home already. I think I actually startled him, I don't think he was expecting to get anybody. Any way, I explained to him that I worked this morning, and I was already home for the day. But that Leo was at work and he was probably going to have a late day.
These were his exact words to me....
"Well, good now you can prepare him dinner!"
I'm not shitting you! I was shocked that he didn't say "Why aren't you barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen by now!?!" Fucker! And the worst part, I had to pretend I didn't hear it and keep talking to him like he never even said it.
His policy: "Women and children should be seen and not heard!"
My Policy: "Get the fuck out of the Dark Ages you bible thumping bigot bastard!"
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
I wish I were a better reader....
I used to read A LOT when I was a kid. I mean, I had my own book shelf in my bedroom that was FULL of books; all of which I had read at least twice. I loved to read. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't the kind of kid who stayed inside all the time and never played or watched tv or anything like that, but I still managed to read a lot of books.
I was a quick reader. I learned how to read at an early age and so I was reading at a fourth grade level by the time I got to the first. I still read very well, but I do it for content. Meaning, when I read I read pretty slowly. I savor every word, and I like to be totally immersed in what I'm reading. I love the feeling of reading about a stormy day where the clouds are as black as the night sky and the rain comes thundering down in sheets as lightning hits the steeple of the local church setting it ablaze. Only to look out my window and see that in fact it is a beautiful summer day. The sky is blue as the Caribbean sea with barely a wisp of a cloud and the blue birds play on the wind with the robins while the ants playfully make off with the neighbors picnic lunch.
I really love book stores. Any kind of book store. I love to go in and take in all the stories around me. I imagine what each book is about and savoring every page. But for some reason I simply can't do it any more; read like I used to I mean.
I don't know what's wrong with me. I buy books in bulk. Literally, I don't just buy one book on a subject, I buy 5. For anyone who knows me they probably know I'm an ancient Egypt freak. I mean I'm the geek with the National Geographic VHS video's that you have to buy off tv. And I've watched them all, at least twice and probably more. I've even got Egyptian tattoo's. So, when my boss' husband recommended a book called Fingerprints of the Gods I HAD to read it. He made it sound simply too tempting. But, when I went to find it on half.com I didn't just buy the one book, oh no not me. I bought 5 books by the same author!
Now, they're here, and I want to read them, I honestly do. But for some reason I simply can't bring myself to pick it up and open to the first page. I think maybe part of my problem is that I'm afraid I'll be disappointed. I'm the type of person who has to be caught within the first page or two or else I put it down and never pick it back up. I'm afraid I'm going to pick up this book and not just love it. Honestly, I think I've analyzed it way too far in my brain. I'll pick up the book soon. But for now, I suppose I'll just look at it and hope that it's going to be good.
God, I wish I were a better reader....
I was a quick reader. I learned how to read at an early age and so I was reading at a fourth grade level by the time I got to the first. I still read very well, but I do it for content. Meaning, when I read I read pretty slowly. I savor every word, and I like to be totally immersed in what I'm reading. I love the feeling of reading about a stormy day where the clouds are as black as the night sky and the rain comes thundering down in sheets as lightning hits the steeple of the local church setting it ablaze. Only to look out my window and see that in fact it is a beautiful summer day. The sky is blue as the Caribbean sea with barely a wisp of a cloud and the blue birds play on the wind with the robins while the ants playfully make off with the neighbors picnic lunch.
I really love book stores. Any kind of book store. I love to go in and take in all the stories around me. I imagine what each book is about and savoring every page. But for some reason I simply can't do it any more; read like I used to I mean.
I don't know what's wrong with me. I buy books in bulk. Literally, I don't just buy one book on a subject, I buy 5. For anyone who knows me they probably know I'm an ancient Egypt freak. I mean I'm the geek with the National Geographic VHS video's that you have to buy off tv. And I've watched them all, at least twice and probably more. I've even got Egyptian tattoo's. So, when my boss' husband recommended a book called Fingerprints of the Gods I HAD to read it. He made it sound simply too tempting. But, when I went to find it on half.com I didn't just buy the one book, oh no not me. I bought 5 books by the same author!
Now, they're here, and I want to read them, I honestly do. But for some reason I simply can't bring myself to pick it up and open to the first page. I think maybe part of my problem is that I'm afraid I'll be disappointed. I'm the type of person who has to be caught within the first page or two or else I put it down and never pick it back up. I'm afraid I'm going to pick up this book and not just love it. Honestly, I think I've analyzed it way too far in my brain. I'll pick up the book soon. But for now, I suppose I'll just look at it and hope that it's going to be good.
God, I wish I were a better reader....
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
I'm a Joiner...
In fine Tamara fashion, I've decided to take on more than I should. Not more than I want to, or more than I can handle, just more than I should. I love to write in my blog; but as anyone can see I'm not very good at keeping it a regular habit.
Soooo I've joined a group to blog once a week. We're all military wives from various branches and we're writing about what it's like to be us. Surprise, it's totally different, and completely the same!
I blog on Mondays, and I'm even given a topic. How easy is that!?! I don't want to write for a living, cause then it wouldn't be any fun, but I like that someone gives me a topic to write about.
So far I've only written one blog, but it's going to be so much fun I can tell. I think all of the women so far are chicks I would like to know in my "real" life if we weren't so scattered.
Any way, for those of you (and I know there are just simply a ton of you! HA! more like just me) who are too lazy to go to my profile page and click on the link to my other blog, you can simply click on the banner, and it will take you straight there. Hooray for technology!
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Ignorance is bliss??
Lately I feel like I must have a new tattoo. Something that I didn't ask to have put on my body, and NEVER would for that matter....I feel like I've got "STUPID" tattoo'd across my forehead.
Apparently, everybody but Leo and I can see it. Because people keep treating me like I'm stupid. I'm not really, I promise. In fact, I tend to believe that I'm slightly smarter than average. I'll be the first to admit that I'm no genius, but I'm definately not a retard.
So, to any clients, friends and even strangers out there....STOP LYING TO ME! I'm not a fucking idiot, and I know when you lie to me!! I also hate it when I'm talked down to. When someone talks down to me I feel like I need to reach out and cut their tongue out with a rusty spork. Seriously, it makes me feel like a child.
Sometimes I think it would be easier to be that stupid. Then I just wouldn't get irritated by it, cause I wouldn't know any better....Ok, I'm done.
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Preachy, Preachy!
So, I know that U2 can totally get preachy and all, but I heard this song the other day and I can't get it out of my head. So, I'm gonna put the lyrics up here, cause it's a cool song any way; and the lyrics are so poetic.
U2 "Bullet the Blue Sky"
In the howling wind comes a stinging rain
See it driving nails into souls on the tree of pain
From the firefly, a red orange glow
See the face of fear running scared in the valley below
Bullet the blue sky
Bullet the blue sky
Bullet the blue
Bullet the blue
In the locust wind comes a rattle and hum
Jacob wrestled the angel and the angel was overcome
Plant a demon seed, you raise a flower of fire
See them burning crosses, see the flames, higher and higher
Bullet the blue sky
Bullet the blue sky
Bullet the blue
Bullet the blue
This guy comes up to me
His face red like a rose on a thorn bush
Like all the colors of a royal flush
And he’s peeling off those dollar bills
Slapping them down
One hundred, two hundred
And I can see those fighter planes
And I can see those fighter planes
Across the mud huts where the children sleep
Through the alleys of a quiet city street
Take the staircase to the first floor
Turn the key and slowly unlock the door
As a man breathes into a saxophone
Through the walls we hear the city groan
Outside it’s america
Outside it’s america
Across the field you see the sky ripped open
See the rain come through the gaping wound
Pounding on the women and children who run into the arms of america
Thursday, March 02, 2006
OOOO I LOVE Good Gossip!
Alright, so I'm a woman, and I simply wouldn't be doing my womanly duties if I didn't gossip every now and then. Not that I think anyone is going to know what I'm talking about, or even care. But it simply is TOO GOOD to not put in here!!!
Now, don't misunderstand my intentions. I'm not trying to break up a marriage, or even hurt anyone, I just needed to tell someone. And who can you tell if you can't tell your journal right?
So, the other day Leo and I were in the mall when we ran into an old acquaintance. Not someone either of us associate with any more due to the fact that she's one of those Navy Wives. She's the kind that give all of us good wives a bad name. Children by other men, claiming false rape to convince her husband she "wasn't cheating"; yea one of THOSE wives.
Any way, we're nice people and she didn't fuck with our affairs so we politely said hi and settled in for what we thought would just be a slight exchange of pleasantries. Since she's divorced and all we didn't see the harm any more, and figured if anyone saw us we wouldn't be associated with that type of person and or lifestyle. BOY were we in for a surprise! Well, I was any way. Apparently Leo knew this already, he just hadn't said anything to me (he doesn't like drama, probably because he's a guy and doesn't realize that drama and gossip are everyday staples of life, at least to a woman).....
Come to find out that we have a cheating spouse amongst us! The rat bastard is so good he even had ME fooled! Don't worry, it's not yours. She's an old acquaintance of mine, nothing major. But I never would have thought that he was the cheating type....and NO I won't tell you who it is either. Like I said before, I'm not here to cause marital problems, just share the juicy gossip.....but I digress....
So, I was seriously disinclined to believe her until she said that she had kissed him herself (uh huh...), and danced with him at the bar (yea right, sure...), and had a message from him on her cell phone still (WHAT!?!)!! So, you're thinking to yourself, "Oh sure, a message on a cell phone, that could be any old guy..." but wait, he's one of those guys that has a pretty recognizable voice. Not Vin Diesel recognizable, or even Billy Crystal recognizable, more like Nicolas Cage recognizable. Specific tones, and ways that things are said make you KNOW who is on the phone, plus he says his name. Now, honestly to his defense (and I mean slight, I know you're guilty but have to do my job because I'm your free court appointed lawyer defense) it didn't say anything dirty. However, the fact remains that he called this woman. He mentions that he fell asleep on the way home from the bar (AH HA! Another truth to the original story, they were at the bar together!) but he made it ok, and that he would call her later....call her later!?! EEWWWWWWWWW!!!! Just the fact that he even called her (remember she's one of those Navy wives), is fishy to me.
The voice mail was the deal breaker for me. I had to believe her after that. It had just confirmed her story, so why would she lie about making a date to meet up with him the next Saturday (after the bar incident) for a little more than grinding and kissing on the dance floor (that would be sex for those of you who didn't get my hint)? Which she says never even happened because of schedule changes and time restraints. The fact that they didn't meet for sex just clenches the story for me that she's telling the truth. I'm inclined to start calling this man Templeton, in fact, lets.
So, where was his wife when all of this was happening? Out of town apparently.
OH WAIT! It gets BETTER!! THEN Leo says, well, I guess he really was sleeping with that chick!! OH MY GAWD! I guess he had heard rumors through different sailors on other boats and such that he had been sleepin with some chick; but he never thought it was actually true. SEE we never thought he was that kind of guy!
Guess we were wrong, and Templeton is going to have his smorgasboard....
Monday, February 13, 2006
Punk Rawk Gurl...
Ok, so it's one of those stupid test things. But, I got such a kick ass band that I wanted to post it. I can be The Ramones! I love The Ramones!
Ok, you HAVE to go take this test! Stupid? Yes. Fun and slightly functional? Maybe....This is my result! YAY ME!
Ok, you HAVE to go take this test! Stupid? Yes. Fun and slightly functional? Maybe....This is my result! YAY ME!
Ramones This is where you belong in the annals of punk history! |
You probably don't realize how cool you actually are. You set the trend by not setting one. You do what you want and are surprised when other people like doing it your way. You may be simple but that's just fine. Who cares, right? you'll go down in history as the stuff of legends, though you have no idea why; as far as you knew, you were just some stupid person having some fun, right? |
Link: The What classic punk band are you Test written by DrLebowski on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test |
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Random Ramblings...
So, whilst surfing the many profiles abundant on MySpace, I came across this random rambling. It made me giggle; so I'm putting it here, and maybe it will make you giggle too...
So I was workin the other day and this car comes flyin into the hole and I had to get outta there cuz the cheese was done in the microwave and things got really hairy like Tom Cruise's tiny ballsack. Anyway, back to the tall tale, these giant eyes came runnin after me so I threw some popsicles at their pirate ships and I havent worked in a long time...something like 4 oranges....I dont even know anymore.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
The Mug Bug
I thought it was the coolest thing in high school. And her name was Jodi Ghrist. One morning she drove it into school and I was simply in awe. And I wanted one...
Sometime that summer Jodi had entered some contest for Pepsi, and won The Mug Bug. Noone heard about it, it wasn't printed in the newspaper (at least I don't think), she just showed up in it senior year.
This car was nothing special, but it was painted just like the picture above. And, if I remember right it came with a bunch of Mug Rootbeer. The root beer I could live without, but the bug was COOL! I don't even think it was a brand new bug, but the paint job was so neat.
The last I remember she was planning on painting over it as soon as she was able. According to the rules, she had to keep it painted with Mug Rootbeer for a while. I wonder if she ever did..
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