Wednesday, December 21, 2005


I LOVE THE RAIN! Currently it is pouring outside, in true Washington State fashion. It hasn't done this in a long time, and I missed it! Although I would love some snow for Christmas, rain is still ok with me.

I'm one of the strange ones who actually likes when it rains. I LOVE the way it sounds when it pounds on the roof, and I like it when I get wet going from my car to the door and then I have to change into dry clothes once I get inside. I love that it makes me snuggle underneath the warmest blanket in the house because I just changed out of wet clothes.

I especially love the smell of rain, when it first starts and the pavement gets wet. I guess it reminds me of my childhood; I know it does for my husband it's his favorite smell. So I guess it also reminds me of him too; which is good.

But, I can hear it outside and I'm on the bottom floor of a 2 story building. I do sit by big windows, but I can hear it hitting the roof. I'm so glad my rain is back!

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