Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Get off Your Ass and Parent!

So today, while putting away the mountains of clothing that lay on my bed, I had the news on in the background for noise. All of a sudden they start talking about teenagers and getting on these "bad" chat sites, I didn't hear much after that cause I usually start to tune out at that point. However, this time it was different. They started talking about MySpace.

I have a MySpace profile, and I don't personally understand what's so horrible about it. The news was making alligations like "the site is full of sexy profiles and inappropriate talk, and your journal is out there for everyone to see....and reportedly a young girl who was killed (just last week or something) met her killer on MySpace..." Then they go into the schools are getting involved to get children to stay away from these kind of sites...

Wait a minute...MYSPACE??'ve got to be kidding right? The site is freaking harmless, and you can't do anything there that you couldn't do on AOL or Yahoo or any other major site. In case you get curious and want to check it out, here is a link to My Profile on

Any way, the schools are starting to ban it in school and not letting kids go to the site; and I'm all for that idea. Really, it is school, and what are they doing on the internet fucking around any way? But the schools are urging parents to take action and keep their kids away from "dangerous" sites like MySpace! This is the part where you throw back your head and let out a hearty laugh **HAHAHAHAHAHAHA**

My biggest concern with all of this is, if you're going to allow your child to "surf the net" at home or at school, then you need to know where they're going. Unless you want them going to dangerous sites like MySpace and Yahoo and AOL and GoatFuckingLesbians.....The point is, get off your lazy ass and make sure your kids aren't going to any sites you don't want them to go to! How fucking hard is that?? Parents lately (some exceptions of corse) just want to let someone else raise their kid and then blame them when the kid turns out all fuct up. So, if you don't care that your kids look at porno sites, and the even more dangerous sites like MySpace and then let them look at it...but if you care so much about it, quitcher bitchin and GET OFF YOUR ASS AND PARENT!

1 comment:

Erika said...

whoa, whoa, whoa. We you gotta get all harsh on GoatFuckingLesbians???? That's a good site.