Sunday, September 18, 2005

Now, Children

Having turned on the Emmy's tonight, like I'm sure over half of America did, I was plagued by something. This happens every time I watch a "live" show. That damned warning at the bottom of the screen RECORDED FROM AN EARLIER BROADCAST. DAMNIT!!

Having grown up on the west coast, and still living here, I should come to expect it; but it still pisses me off. I feel like we're the children of the US. The east coast gets to view the live show before we see it; and then without doubt all the badness is bleeped out by the time it gets to us! Which explains why I never got to see Janet Jackson's nipple.

And, I get immensely irritated when something like this come across the screen... ALL PHONE LINES ARE NOW CLOSED TO VOTING...Not that I wanted to vote for the REALLY stupid Emmy Idol performances, but come on! I can't even vote! Don't I count!?! And when it comes to shows like American Idol, I could simply call someone on the east coast and find out who got kicked off, they find out before I do, simply because they're on the right coast.

Why can't they just make it all be on at the same time everywhere? It could be on here at 5, instead of 8, and then show it on the east coast at 8. I mean it's on a Sunday; if you're at work you don't have the typical 9-5 day any way and would probably have missed it any way.

Oh well, I suppose until I move to the east coast (maybe never) I'll have to settle with being America's Child.


Queen of De-Nile said...

I hear ya. My husband lived in Connecticut for a while and he used to think we saw it all on the west coast first! Oh well, I suppose you're right; grass is greener. :)

Erika said...

new york gets everything because it's the greatest city ever, period.