Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Aplicants Please...

Ok, so I'm back and have a few things to talk about. However, I'm only going to talk about one today. The people who come to America and don't bother to learn English. Now, I'm not a racist and I don't care if you want to move here. I have no problem with people wanting freedom and they think (albeit somewhat falsely - at least until we have a better president, but that's another topic for another day) that comming here will provide them with that. America is a great place to live!

However, this morning while on my way home from the doctor's office, after having been stripped of my bandages, I heard a commercial on the radio that concerned me. It was a commercial for some kind of "mystery shopper" job. And they actually felt the need to say "must be able to read and write English..." and I was stunned. Have I moved to another country without my knowledge?

My biggest point is this, I wouldn't move to say Germany and expect everyone to speak English, I would learn German. So why the hell would you move to America and not bother to learn English? I understand that some people just got here and havn't had the time, but it seems that there's always that (forgive my stereotype) store owner or shop keeper that has lived here for 12-20 years and still doesn't speak English!

Now, I'm all for people who are bi-tri-or even quad-lingual (or whatever it's called when you speak more than 3 languages) and I applaud them. I think that that's a great way to live you life. You can communicate with several different cultures. And, I don't even care if you do speak English and you prefer to speak whatever language you want in public, just as long as you can understand me when I'm talking to you, and vice versa.

The biggest problem is the American Dream is dead. People don't come here to live the American dream any more. People come here because they can get away with shit, and make more money than they can in their home country. Like I said before, I have no problem with immigrants. But PLEASE if you're going to come live here, learn the fucking language!

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